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  • IIMR – Preparing Industry-Ready Management Professionals for the Modern Corporate World

    Management is regarded as one of the fastest-growing industries on a global level in the 21st-century era. It is one of the rare fields that have embraced such vast.

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  • The Vitality of Going Digital in the Modern Business World

    • September 27, 2019
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • 0 Comment

    The twenty-first century is referred to as the age of radical shift from the conventional to the sheer dynamism and the unconventional.  Technology has invited countless innovations in today’s.

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  • Dealing with Management Challenges Effectively across Business Functions

    In today’s fast-paced business era, management is the key to unleash organizational effectiveness. Though the changing economy has brought up many positive developments in the business environment, it comes.

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  • Digital Skill Training is a Must for Modern World Managers

    Digitalization can be regarded as the latest revolution around the industrial corner. Ever since the developments related to the digital technologies have set foot on the industrial arena, nothing.

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  • Key Elements of the Modern World Management Education

    Gone are the days when merely inherent and innate knowledge was sufficient to run a business. The industry of business is advancing by leaps and bounds with the passing.

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  • The Primary Objectives of Human Resource Management

    Recruitment has always remained the backbone of any organization. If the workforce is efficient and enthusiastic, the work done is certainly of excellent quality. Human resource management is the.

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  • 5 Non-Business Lessons That Your MBA Degree Can Teach You

    Management education is not all about business knowledge. Instead, it encompasses some of the significant aspects associated with becoming a true leader over time. What leading business schools do.

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  • 5 Non-Business Lessons That Your MBA Degree Can Teach You

    Management education is not all about business knowledge. Instead, it encompasses some of the significant aspects associated with becoming a true leader over time. What leading business schools do.

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  • Personality Development is the Key to Make Your Mark in an Interview

    When it comes to cracking the interviews or leaving a distinctive mark on the interview board with performance, the key determinant often becomes the way an aspirant deals with.

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  • How is AI Impacting the Trends in the Management Industry?

    If our era is the next industrial revolution, as many claims, Artificial Intelligence is surely one of its driving forces. The marvels of artificial intelligence are wide-spreading and influencing.

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