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  • 7 Important things to know about Stackable Credentials

    Dimple Sukhija, Assistant Professor, IIMR  In today’s era owning just a college degree is not adequate. Employers have started looking for workers with varied skill sets which has paved.

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  • Foreign Trade Management: What to do while the whole world is waiting to see what happens next?

    Dr. Shubhangi Jain, Assistant Professor, IIMR The stakes are high as there is escalation of trade tension. In companies worldwide, business functions from procurement to manufacturing to supply chain.

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  • Is the career of HR management apt for you? Check it out here!

    Skills, intuition, interest, knowledge, or passion – which one to align with? Surely making career choices is not another piece of cake, and at some point in time, you.

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  • Communication – A Vital Aspect in Rising as a Successful Management Professional

    • February 29, 2020
    • Posted By : sysadmin
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    “Communication is the key to global business.” _ Anita Roddick The business world is gradually becoming more and more globalized than ever before, interconnecting nations, organizations, people, and innovations..

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  • The Booming Role of Technology in HR Management

    It’s not that we use technology, we literally live technology. _ Godfrey Reggio The evolving trends of lifestyle and retail,the emergence ofrobotics and AI as the changing face of.

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  • Top 3 Skills That Every 21st Century Manager Needs

    ‘Fit no stereotypes. Don’t chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team’s mission.’ As stated by Colin Powell, the renowned American political personality,.

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  • Management in the 21st-Century World: How Has the Domain Evolved?

    In the earlier half of the last century, management science came into existence. A top-down approach was incorporated where optimum efficiency and productivity were prioritized. It was carried out.

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  • Why is Social Responsibility an Important Aspect in Business Management?

    • December 17, 2019
    • Posted By : sysadmin
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    Social responsibility in today’s corporate landscape is much more than just a modern business trend or a fad. With the changing times, the need for companies to change the.

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  • 5 Reasons Why HR is Critical to the Growth of an Organization

    • November 23, 2019
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • 0 Comment

     Human resource is considered to be one of the pillars of any organization. For maintaining steady growth in productivity and excellence in operations, managing the employees is critical. The.

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  • Which MBA Specialization Suits You the Most?

    MBA has always been one of the most popular choices when it comes to career options after completing the graduation degree. No matter what you pursue at the undergraduate.

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