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Student Clubs

Student club and activity opportunities are essential for students interested in creating a well-developed resume for job and career applications. In addition to professional development opportunities, student clubs also provide students with personal and social development, enhancing the overall collegiate experience.

At IIMR we have three clubs operational for the students and by the students:

  • Marketing Club
  • Finance Club
  • HR Club
  • These clubs facilitates the discussion of current business scenario in the area through various events, seminars etc. The activities of the club also help members explore the numerous career options in the field through guest speakers, group discussions and field trips.

    Click Here For IIMR club details.

    Centers of Learning

    To explore and grab the opportunities in upcoming areas, various centers of excellence have been planned to be functional. These centers will provide opportunities for students to get trained and learn the skills required to be an effective manager in the various areas/subjects identified. These centers are as follows:

    1. Centre of Financial Learning
    2. Centre of Digital Marketing & Business Analytic

    Women Empowerment Cell

    The institute has established a Women Empowerment Cell in the college campus to empower girl students, to enhance understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for women students. With a view to taking up women’s issues and problems, the cell aims at creating awareness of their rights and duties. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves.

    Aiming at intellectual and social upliftment of the female students, the cell stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes and other welfare activities.