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Information Technology

Degree Awarded Discipline Duration Entry Level Seats in IIST
B.Tech IT 4 years 10+2 (PCM) 60

About the Department


Information Technology department in IIST focuses on inducing technological sense among our students and faculties. Highly talented faculties from NIT, IET like institutes are our strength. We always try to implement practical approaches for learning which makes our students to improve their confidence to work for the industries. Well-equipped labs, software and expert lectures are our USP, which makes our students to be aware of development in the software industry.

Department Vision and Mission

  • To be a renowned department for imparting quality education, committed to cater the evolving IT industry requirements..
  • To provide best possible IT education to serve the current requirements of modern IT industry by keeping pace with the latest technical skills.
  •  To inculcate IT professionalism among the student by providing an atmosphere for continuous learning, research and innovation.
  • PEO 1. To provide students with a solid foundation in information technology skills, basic programming and algorithm designing fundamentals required to solve the computing problems.
  • PEO 2. To expose students to latest computing technologies and software tools, so that they can comprehend, analyze, design and create innovative projects and provide solutions for real-life problems.
  • PEO 3. To inculcate spirit of inquiry, team work skills, professional attitude, and ability to relate IT issues with social awareness that prepare them for immediate employment and for lifelong learning in IT field, which enable them to be successful entrepreneurs.
  • PO 1 Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals for the solution of IT problems.
  • PO 2 Ability to identify, formulate and analyze the complex engineering problems
  • PO 3 Ability to design and develop the computer based systems to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as public health and safety, environmental, agriculture, economic and societal considerations
  • PO 4 Ability to demonstrate with excellent programming, analytical, logical and problem solving skills PO 5 Ability to use the emerging technologies, skills, and modern software tools to design, develop, test and debug the programs or software.
  • PO 6 Ability to include and solve the social, cultural, ethical issues with IT solutions.
  • PO 7 Ability to design and develop web based solutions with effective graphical user interface for the need of sustainable development.
  • PO 8 Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the IT practices.
  • PO 9 Ability to work individually and as a member or leader in diverse teams to accomplish a common goal.
  • PO 10 Ability to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms with engineering community and society
  • PO 11 Knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team to manage the software and IT based projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO 12 Appreciation of technological change and the need for independent life-long learning

A graduate of the Information Technology Program will demonstrate:

  • PSO 1: IT Specific Skills: The ability to identify, analyze and design solutions for complex engineering problems in multidisciplinary areas by understanding the core principles and concepts of IT and thereby engage in national grand challenges.
  • PSO 2: Programming and Software Development Skills: The ability to acquire programming efficiency by designing algorithms and applying standard practices in software project development to deliver quality software products meeting the demands of the industry.
  • PSO 3: Professional Skills: The ability to apply the fundamentals of IT in competitive research and to develop innovative products to meet the societal needs thereby evolving as an eminent researcher and entrepreneur.


ICT Support For Learning

Special Interest Group (SIG’s)

Self-learning is motivated in these special interest groups of the department. Various resources related to student interest are provided in the SIG labs. This learning is mentor by faculties and senior students to provide them an opportunity to work in team.

We provide certified skill courses on latest research areas and technologies through our special interest groups (SIG’s)

1. SIG- Artificial Intelligence: The overall purpose of artificial intelligence SIG is to apply different algorithms on raw data so as to allow computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner efficiently. And to evaluate and analyse the patterns of the data. Under this SIG, Students will get chance to implement these algorithm and create artificially intelligence systems. 

2. SIG- Augmented and Virtual Reality: The purpose of VR/AR SIG is to understand artificial environment that is created with software for user perception and also to understand how AR works with real world image with extra layers of digital information and to gain better understanding of its wide range of applications. 

3. SIG- iOS: Purpose of iOS SIG is to make students develop iOS Applications. With the amount of iPhones in the market, the need for iOS Apps also increases therefore this is the right platform for Students who want to build their career in Mobile app development as individual with their Creative ideas.

Pic: iOS

4. SIG- Database Management System: The purpose of DBMS SIG is to learn and practice software tools that organizes data that is to create, retrieve, update and manage data, in systematic way. Under this SIG trainings will be provided on software technologies like SQL, MySQL, Oracle Databases, NoSQL, MongoDB etc.  


5. SIG- Android: Purpose of Android SIG is to make students understand Android App Development. In this SIG, students will learn the fundamentals of Kotlin, Google’s preferred programming language for Android and build interesting applications.  Under this SIG training will be provided which will cover the Android components, tools and technologies like multi-screen Navigation, Android Studio, Intents, Fragments, Widgets, Layout and Ionic to build modern applications.  

Pic: Android

6. SIG- Internet of Things: The purpose is to train students for industry-level projects on IoT by: Organizing workshops/seminars/training/weekend activities for the students. IoT SIG facilitates with all the required equipments for practicising on different modules. These SIG Modules will help students to solve real-world problems and will encourage them to participate in various competitions across the country.

Pic: IOT

7. SIG- Hardware and Networking: Primary objective of this SIG is to build networking skill and creating a bridge to employment opportunities. Here the students are trained for international certifications like Microsoft, Cisco and Red Hat certifications. Students will learn hardware and operating systems for computer networks and train to upgrade troubleshoot and administer the system which will help them prepare for high-paying jobs. PC hardware/software installation, Networking technologies & concepts, Network administration, Cabling, Cisco router and switch configurations are the key skills focused in this SIG. 

Pic: Hardware & Networking

8. SIG- Data Analytics: The major purpose of Data Analytics SIG is to extract useful information from data and taking the decision based upon the data analysis or in simple words to create best out of waste. Here the students are trained to analyse different-different type of dataset and though that understand the pattern of informations that can be derived through that data. Hadoop, R and Python are some technologies which can be used to implement analytics. 

Pic: Data Analytics

9. SIG- Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing curriculum prepare the students to pursue industry recognized certifications (AWS), and in-demand cloud jobs. In CC SIG, we train students by organizing workshops/seminars/internship. This helps learners explore cloud concepts, use cloud services, handling of security issues, and understand the architecture etc. 

10. SIG- Web Development: Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications (web apps), electronic businesses, and social network services. Web Development SIG gives an opportunity to the students to enhance their skill for web development platform.

Pic: Web Development

It is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the National Mission on Education through ICT. The Department of CSE conducts virtual labs programs organized by different IITs across the country.

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Department of CSE & IT is proud to be associated with Developer Student Clubs (DSC) with the selection of DSC lead from IIST. The DSC will conduct in-house training activities for the students to enable them to develop solutions for the local businesses.

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IIST is proud to announce that we have been accepted into the AWS Academy program with Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (“AISPL”) and we are now authorized to administer and deliver the AWS Academy Cloud Computing Architecture curriculum.

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Department of CSE has signed an MoU with RedHat Academy to conduct in-house training on Core System Administration, Middleware Development, Cloud Computing along with Internships in live projects & certification.

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Department of CSE & IT has associated with Microsoft Imagine Academy to offer Microsoft Certified Courses in the areas of Productivity, Web Development, Data Science and Managing IT Infrastructure.

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Head Of Department

Dr. Sathish Kumar Penchala

Associate Professor & Head Information Technology

In today’s global era, one cannot imagine life without computer. Importance of computer is widely accepted as crucial part in modern day education too. Degree of Computer Science helps one achieve analytical skills, critical-thinking skills, creativity, problem – solving skills etc. along with citing importance of ethics in personal and professional career to lead a happy and successful life.

Computer engineers can put their skills to solve global issues like unemployment, global warming, poverty, security, safety etc. Jobs for computer engineer are not available only in IT industry but every field and Industry needs skilled computer engineers for solving their problems. Computer Science has number of different tracks to pursue like web development, data scientist, system programmer, software tester, database administrator to name a few. In view of such ever growing need of skilled computer graduates, IIST thrives for overall development of individual apart from making them Industry ready with required skill set. Besides technical skills, we empower students with strong soft skills which help them to stay one step ahead in the competition. This is accomplished by formation of various Special Interest Groups ( SIGs), Special training on communication skills and soft skills, signing MoU with National and International organizations like Red Hat, Microsoft, Prodevans etc.

State Of The Art Lab Infrastructure

Dot Net Lab
Android Lab
Java Lab
IoT Lab
Android Lab
iOS Lab
Programming & Data Structures
Microsoft Imagine Academy
Network Simulation Lab
Data Analytics Lab
Web Development Lab
Red Hat Lab
Amazon Web Services Academy
Angular and Node JS Lab

Know More About The Department

Talking about IT careers, there is a rich set of opportunities available in information security, software development, sales, Management applications, databases, object-oriented segments, and research areas, to name a few, both in private as well as govt. /public sector. This ensures bright careers for all the existing IT graduates as well as future IT career aspirants. This fact is more supported by the advent of big IT corporate blooming in Indore at Super Corridor. It is expected that thousands of job opportunities in IT would be generated in near future and a major segment of IT professionals would be absorbed from Indore and surrounding areas. We, therefore, are apt to provide adequate and sound technical training and skill development to our students to make them stand upright with confidence and to enable them to tap the mushrooming opportunities.

There are a number of career opportunities available in the Information Technology sector. These opportunities are increasing exponentially day by day. Following are a few areas where IT aspirants can build their career –

  • Information Security
  • IT Analyst – Translate business requirement into technical specification
  • Network Administration – Configure and operate computer network
  • Management Consulting – Provide consulting for government and organizations
  • Database Administration – Managing corporate database
  • Computer Forensics Expert -Extracts computer evidence for detecting/preventing/prosecuting crimes
  • IT Sales – people on frontline to sell products
  • Software development – Develop software solutions to facilitate business processes.

1. Developer Student Club (DSC): Department of CSE & IT is proud to be associated with Developer Student Clubs (DSC) with the selection of DSC lead from IIST. The DSC will conduct in-house training activities for the students to enable them to develop solutions for the local businesses. 

2. Coding Club: Objectives of Coding Club: Exposure to SDLC and latest Programming Languages & technologies through Industry Experts, Encourage Coding culture through Bootcamps and training sessions, Motivate students to participate in competitive coding through platforms like Kaggle, HackerRank, etc. , Promote the use of skill rack platform for self-learning and practice and Create in-house development teams that can attract consultancy. 

3. Professional Student Chapter: ACM

Our students have a variety of opportunities to gain hands-on experience and develop their leadership skills. They work on research with professors, study abroad around the world, pursue internships at leading companies, mentor their peers, and teach younger students about computer science. The student-run chapter of the national Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) provides social, academic, and career support.  

4. ISTE Students Chapter:

Providing quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity. To assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations. Providing guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.

5. Swayam Students Chapter::

SWAYAM is an initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. World’s largest SWAYAM MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), a new paradigm of education for anyone, anywhere, anytime, as per your convenience, aimed to provide digital education free of cost and to facilitate hosting of all the interactive courses prepared by the best more than 1000 specially chosen faculty and teachers in the country.