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Degree Awarded Discipline Duration Entry Level Seats in IIST
B.Tech ECE 4 years 10+2 (PCM) 60
M.E.  Digital Communication 2 years BE or B.Tech 09

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering was established in the year 2003 with B.E. (ECE) with an intake of 60 students. It is amongst very few ECE Departments in Engineering Colleges of Central India that has been accredited twice by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in 2013 & 2016. The ECE department offers PG program in M.E. (Digital Communication) since the year 2009-10. There has been consistent development in all the spheres including infrastructure, staff and student strength. Well-equipped laboratories with high-end computers, high-speed internet (Broadband and Wi-Fi) facility and well-qualified staff members ensure excellent standards of education delivered by the department. Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) is a dynamic and exciting area that provides excellent career opportunities in various sectors of the society. We are committed to give our students an environment where they develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they advance through the program.

Evolve Better– Enhancing Employability Quotient along with Holistic Development.

Department Vision and Mission

The vision of the Electronics & Communication Engineering department is:

To produce globally competent electronics & communication engineering students with knowledge of core as well as inter-discipline domains.

The Mission of the Electronics & Communication Engineering department is:

  1. Educating the students in field of electronics and communication engineering to create competent professionals with moral values, social ethics and pursuing higher
  2. Inculcating the understanding technical competence in the fields of electronics and communication engineering and implementation of theoretical concepts in practical multidiscipline



To create the ability to demonstrate technical competence in the fields of electronics and communication engineering and to develop solutions to the problems in core as well as inter disciplinary areas.


To develop graduates with sound academic background and industrial exposure this gives them capability to make a productive contribution to society through lifelong learning.


To develop competent professionals with moral values, ethics to build an efficient team with soft skill capabilities



The ability to analyze, design, and implement an application-specific electronic system for complex engineering problems for analog, digital domain, communications and signal processing applications by applying the knowledge of basic sciences, engineering mathematics, and engineering fundamentals.


The ability to adapt to rapid changes in tools and technology with an understanding of societal and ecological issues relevant to professional engineering practice through life-long learning.


Excellent adaptability to function in the multi-disciplinary work environment, good interpersonal skills as a leader in a team in appreciation of professional ethics and societal responsibilities.

Upon successful completion of the programme, the students would have the following attributes.

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of
    1. Differential and integral calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, vector calculus, complex variables, Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, and probability and statistics,
    2. Basic physics including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and optics,
    3. Basic chemistry and environmental science,
    4. Basic computing,
    5. Analog, digital circuit analysis and design techniques,
    6. Architecture and applications of Electronics, Communications Engineering systems.
  1. Identify, formulate and solve complex problems in the domains of analog/digital design, signal processing and communication engineering, reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of Mathematics and Engineering
  1. Design/develop
    1. Microprocessor/Microcontroller based systems
    2. Communication and Networking systems
    3. Algorithms for signal process
    4. VLSI circuit components to meet desired specifications with realistic constraints such as manufacturability and
  1. Design and conduct experiments in analog/digital systems, signal processing and communication and networking systems, analyze and interpret data, and synthesize information to provide valid conclusions using simulation techniques and/or numerical methods,
  1. Select and apply necessary modern electronic instruments like Digital Storage Oscilloscope, DSP and FPGA trainer kits, Microcontrollers and software tools such as Spice, MATLAB and HDL for Digital Signal Processing, Communication Engineering, Networking and VLSI engineering practices with an understanding of thei
  1. Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, safety, legal and cultural issues, and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
  1. Demonstrate the knowledge of contemporary issues in the field of Electronics and Communication
  1. Commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering
  1. Work effectively as an individual, and also as a member or leader in multicultural and multidisciplinary
  1. Effectively communicate on their Electronics and Communication Engineering activities, with the Engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations.
  1. Manage projects by applying gained knowledge on Engineering and Management principles.
  1. Adapt themselves wholly to the demands of the Electronics and Communication related Engineering by life-long


ICT Support For Learning

Electronics and Communication engineering is one of the most popular engineering branches out there. Electronics and Communication Engineering is also the major driving force for the present-day Information Technology revolution. Fields like IoT, Robotics, Mechatronics, Drone Technologies, Communication Systems, Design and fabrication of electronic and computer hardware’s are some of the major areas which are growing exponentially. With the recent advancements in technologies, most of the industries are beginning to adopt robotics, automation technologies, smart energy systems, Internet of Things (IoT) into their process.

Self-learning is motivated in these special interest groups of the department. Various resources related to student interest are provided in the SIG’s. This learning is mentor by faculties and senior students to provide them an opportunity to work in team. Self-interest and self-learning are motivated in this SIG’s (Special Interest Groups). ECE Department has six SIG’s through which we provide certified skill courses on latest research areas and technologies.

1. SIG – Design & Fabrication

This SIG will provide knowledge about VLSI design and Complete PCB Designing using simulation tool to test electronics & electrical circuit in software environment and also its Fabrication, VLSI design simulation software Xilinx with VHDL/Verilog HDL, PCB design software named Cad soft EAGLE and various to make physical PCB at home so that any student can make project on his own.

Pic: Design and Fabrication

2. SIG- Mechatronics

Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering which includes mechanical electronics and computer. ECE at IIST offers mechatronics SIG for making students industry ready with the mechatronics skills that enhances your industry knowledge.

Pic: Mechatronics

3. SIG- Internet of thing (IoT)

The purpose of the Internet of Things Special Interest Group (IoT SIG) is to promote the development, standardization and application of signal and information processing technologies targeting unique challenges from emerging IoT scenarios that require analysing, summarizing, and protecting of real-time signals and information exchanged or shared by massive data generating devices such as sensors, machines, robots, cars, etc and their corresponding data processing nodes.


Pic: IoT

4. SIG- Robotics

The entity aims to provide students with field knowledge about Robotics. The SIG focuses more on project-based learning in addition to preparing the students to face the hurdles which usually come while implementing the algorithms. The SIG continuously work in projects along with students across all domains. The projects include quadcopter dynamics, balance bot and projects on Raspberry Pi & Arduino, which are the most popular prototyping boards among the budding engineers.

5. SIG- Signal & Image processing

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is concerned with the representation of signals in digital form, and with the transformation of such signal representations using digital computation. Digital Signal Processing is at the core of virtually all of today’s information technology, and its impact is felt everywhere — in telecommunications, medical technology, radar and sonar, and in seismic data analysis. The SIG focuses on imparting the DSP knowledge and bringing out different projects in the area of digital signal processing.

Pic: Signal & Image processing

6. SIG- Communication System

This SIG focuses on project based learning and training students to meet the emerging market challenges in the area of Communication like 4G, 5G etc.

Pic: Communication System

It is a platform to encourage the innovative projects from robotic lab setup through e-Yantra Lab setup initiative (eLSI- IIT Bombay) in colleges across the country. These projects are funded by MHRD under National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT). IIST is proud to have this lab setup in our campus.

An initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded systems engineers with a practical outlook to help provide practical solutions to some of the real world problems. It aims to spread education in embedded systems and Robotics. Also, helps in better performance at Robotics competitions such as the e-Yantra Robotics Competition with trainings done at IIST campus.

National Final at IIT Bombay Agri-Drone (Pesticide Spraying Drone)

Virtual Labs is a project initiated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology. The project aims to provide remote-access to Laboratories in Electronics & Communication Engineering students at all levels from under-graduate to research.

It also intends to develop a complete Learning Management System where the students can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self-evaluation. There is also a component wherein costly equipment and resources are shared, that are otherwise available to only a limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances. Seven IIT’s (Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee and Guwahati), IIIT Hyderabad, Amrita University, Dayalbagh University, NIT Karnataka, and College of Engineering, Pune, are the institutions participating in the project.

 Head Of Department

Mr. Ankit Jain

Head of Department
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Cont: 0731-4010656

Email: [email protected]


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2003 with B.E (ECE) & an intake of 60 students. The department also conducts PG programme M.E (Digital Communication) from year 2009-10 with an intake of 18 students. The significant infrastructural design, well-equipped laboratories & hi-tech computers with high-speed internet facility with all qualified staff members ensure world-class standard of education delivered from our department.

Electronics and communication engineering is a dynamic and exciting area that provides excellent career opportunities in various sectors of the society. We are committed to give our students an environment where they develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they advance through the programme. In addition to classroom teaching, the students are guided and motivated to practically implement the principles learnt in classrooms through experimentations in the laboratories, different type of Club like ROBOTICS CLUB, Design and Develop Club and ISTE Chapter which help students gain confidence and become skilled engineering professionals. Students are provided internship facility in organizations like BSNL, RRCAT etc. The department conducts various workshops, expert talks and additional training programs on recent trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering in collaboration with industries for the benefit of faculty and students. The student projects are conducted in-house with the guidance of department faculty. The graduates of the Electronics and Communication Stream have been selected by some of the world leading corporations & as well as by most of the leading Indian counter parts.

The available diversity of expertise of the faculty with the support of the other staff prepares the students to work in global multicultural environment. The notable asset of our department is its highly motivated, technically qualified and well experienced faculty.

State Of The Art Lab Infrastructure

Antenna Lab
Network Analysis Lab
TV Lab

Know More About The Department

Career Opportunities for Electronics and Communication Students

Electronics and Communications engineers are at the foundation of all electronic devices- your Smartphone, laptop, e-reader, LED lights, from portable music players to global positioning systems (GPS), or even your car. Electronic systems are at the heart of the new industrial revolution and play a vital role that affects nearly every aspect of our modern daily lives.

Electronics and Communications engineers create technologies that connect the world and help make our lives better. Following are a few notable areas where ECE aspirants can build their careers, to name few-

  • Telecommunication
  • VLSI design
  • Embedded systems
  • Robotics
  • Television Industry
  • Research & Development
  • Control and Instrumentation systems
  • Hardware Manufacturing
  • Power sector
  • Software Engineering/IT
  • Government organizations like BSNL, Civil Aviation, AIR, Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited, DRDO and many others.
  • All other areas based on advanced electronic technologies.

These systems require professional electronic engineers for their design, development, commission, service and management. If being part of an exciting profession that investigate solutions to virtually every problem encountered today appeals to you, then you are invited to consider Electronic Engineering for your career choice.

The desirable of all, a job in the chip industry is an ultimate to the career. With ECE as your subject, only you have the chance to grab this post. So, what do you do after getting the job? The answer is, you will be working for the finest of the finest companies, like Intel, IBM, Apple, etc. That’s a tremendous feel to say the least. And you will be getting paid with a 7 figure income, coupled with various amenities.

Another highly positive career prospect is “Nano technology”. Electronic gadgets are becoming small in size every year, but very powerful in the performance. And this would only happen with nano technology. Getting placed in these companies is a dream comes true indeed.

Robotics, another larger than life field for the ECE students. Due to the advent of robots in many fields, it is mandatory to hire an electronic engineer to develop or maintain the robot.

There are numerous other electronic jobs which can pay you with huge paychecks. By studying ECE, you can be sure that you will land into one of the finest companies in the world with a huge salary package.

Value Addition:

As engineering education differs from traditional education in the sense that it is a professional education which cannot be de-linked from practices going on in real world industries. So, apart from traditional engineering education, EC department faculty members have made special endeavors to include the following value additions.

  • In-house Industrial Training:

From the current session onwards, the ECE students shall not have to move out for taking industrial training as ECE department is planning to start eYantra Robotics lab under the guidance of IIT Bombay and Virtual Lab division by IIT Delhi to conduct advance virtual lab tutorials, certifications and professional consultancies. This will help the students of the department to complete their course theoretical as well as practical within the premises of the ECE department.

  • International Certifications

In house training for extremely demanded international certifications like ISTE student chapter will be provided by ECE department faculty members. This addition has made it possible for the students to fulfill their dreams of getting industry sought, high values professional education supplemented with engineering education. This will increase their employment opportunities tremendously.

  • Real work experience (working on live projects)

EC department is in the process of creating MOU with certain EC based industries to provide real life projects for the EC branch students. Year 2016-17 a group has made 3-D printer which has proved a milestone in the field of electronics and mechanical design. This process is already in the pipeline and it is expected that for the next coming batches, this facility will be made available.

  • On Job Industrial Training

The top scorers of each section are given opportunity to have on job training, where they gain hands on experience in latest telecommunication technologies like GSM, CDMA, Optical fiber technology, ISDN, Broadband technology, 3G, 4G, 5G. This training is very effective to get employment in the various private telecommunication companies.

  • Faculty Research Publications

Consistent interaction with the International bodies like IEEE, IET by publishing and presenting the research works by faculties of ECE department play the key role in value addition. The latest international & national conferences and technical seminars by industry experts are being attended by the faculties to update their technical advancement in their area of research. Our faculty team has good number of papers published in reputed journals having good impact factor and they are being motivated to have their own patents.

What does an Electronics & Communication Engineer do?


All of the applications which make our life easier and enjoyable such as Television, Radio, Computers, Mobiles etc. are designed and developed by Electronics and Communication Engineers


  • Design and maintain satellites, which bring TV, telephone and Internet service into remote and rural regions
  • ECE Engineers also creates advanced communication facilities like video conferencing which bring people together from all over the world
  • Develops programs for various control and communication systems

Why should you choose Electronics and Communication Engineering Branch!

Electronics and Communication engineering is one of the most popular engineering branches out there. Among the Indian engineering aspirants, this particular discipline has been a popular choice for quite some time. With the evolution of the computer age, electronics & communication has transformed into a field that is inevitable, required by almost all the industries. Electronics is now part of our everyday life, from the mobile phones to televisions, computers and even the high-end advanced satellites that are helping us to lead a smooth life. Even electronics and communication engineering is the major driving force for the present day Information Technology revolution. Electronics and Communication Engineering has also penetrated into other areas like healthcare, instrumentation, automation, remote sensing, signal processing etc. So students pursuing electronics and communication engineering have a lot of scope in varied industries.

Career outlook for ECE students!

It will be important to take a look at the figure provided by the Bureau Labor of Statistics (BLS).It is predicted that the jobs for engineers will grow by 7% from 2016 to 2026. Furthermore, it has also been found that the employment in the ECE sector has amplified significantly in the last few years. The reason behind this positive change of wind is the growing nexus between the electronics industry and the digital technology. ECE students can develop an exciting career in industries like consumer electronics manufacturing organization, Telecommunication & IT industries, Health care equipment manufacturing, Mobile communication (2G, 3G, and 4G), Internet technologies, Power Electronics, and other industries like steel, petroleum and chemical industry etc. Graduates with Best Electronics and Communication Engineering College also have lots of opportunities in Government and private companies in the areas of design, manufacture, installation, operation, and maintenance of electronics equipment and systems. With the advent of latest technological innovations, new opportunities came into existence for electronics & communication engineers. The latest technologies include self-driving cars, autonomous drone logistics, robotics, automation in industries, smart energy systems etc. But getting acquainted with these industries will not be easy as they demand engineers who are more hands-on with the latest technologies.

Indian Telephone Industries, Civil Aviation, Development Centers in various States, Defense, A.I.R, Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited, D.R.D.O, Telecommunication, Software Engineering/IT, Power sector, Hardware Manufacturing, Home Appliance and VLSI design, Television Industry and Research & Development etc are some of the popular sectors where the services of an Electronics and Communication engineer are required. 

Some popular recruiters offer good work opportunities to electronics and communication engineers.

Government Sector Companies

  • ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization).
  • ECIL (Electronics Corporation of India Limited).
  • BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center).
  • DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization).
  • BEL (Bharat Electronics Limited).
  • DERL (Defense Electronics and Research Laboratory).
  • BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited).
  • HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited).
  • Railway Departments.

Private Sector Companies

  • Accenture Solutions Private Limited
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions
  • HCL Technologies
  • Hewlett Packard
  • Honeywell Automation India Ltd
  • Infosys Technologies Ltd
  • LG Electronics Inc.
  • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
  • Wipro Limited
  • Siemens
  • Tech Mahindra
  • nVIDIA

Salary prospects in ECE!

An electronics engineer has good career opportunities both in India and abroad. Salary packages offered to electronics and communication engineers vary upon various factors such as working skills, qualifications, working area, recruiters and many other factors. The job market for ECE is on demand and industries are looking for qualified engineers who can assist them on latest technologies. With recent technological advancements, the scope for the electronics engineers is on the rise. However, according to the average annual salary of these professional includes Rs. 312,408 per year. Electronics students with skills in robotics, automation technologies, renewable energies, Internet of Things (IoT), mechatronics engineering concepts add more value to their average pay scale. The aim of students pursuing electronics engineering is to get a highly paid job, so improving skill sets will definitely impact their pay scale a lot.

What is the scope of Electronics and communication engineering in overseas?

With the recent advancements in technologies, most of the industries are beginning to adopt robotics, automation technologies, smart energy systems, Internet of Things (IoT) into their process. And a lot of these industries are established in Gulf countries, Germany, China, Canada etc. So students pursuing electronics & communication engineering have lot of job opportunities available, this is mainly because of the presence of various manufacturing firms outside India. Electronics Engineers who are specialized in Control & Power Systems can find good opportunities in Japan, Germany, US & Korea. There is also a variety of job roles available in multi-disciplinary streams which an electronics engineer can take up.

What are the major technologies in which an ECE engineer can work on?

  1. Analog and Radio Frequency Circuits: Without these cell phones, Wi-Fi, television will cease to exist. A lot of industries are established to meet the consumer demands and in the process, they opened up lot of job opportunities for electronics engineers.
  2. Communication & Signal Processing: This particular technology finds its application in transmission, storage and analysis of information signals.
  3. Computer & Digital Systems: All the industries are able to advance technologically at a faster pace than before with the help of computers. These digital systems are everywhere from the smart watches to the mars rovers.
  4. Networking: With the boom on the internet, we are experiencing 3G, 4G services which help the organizations and industries to easily collaborate with people. There is a lot of scope for engineers who want to work in this technology.
  5. Computer vision & Image processing: These technologies are helping computers in the areas like medical, surveying, photogrammetry etc. For instance, now we have medical devices that can analyze data to not only display images but identify diseases too with the help of magneto-resonance imaging technology.
  6. Control systems & Robotics: With the advancement in the technologies lately more and more industries are adopting automation and robots into their operations to improve their efficiency. And a lot more industries are expected to adopt these technologies in the coming years.
  7. Remote Sensing: Communication via radio waves is essential for mobile devices, radios, and all the devices that are connected to the internet. From mapping to navigation, remote sensing plays vital role in various technologies.
  8. Nanotechnology: The more efficient solar cells, faster transistors, tracking chips and microscopic sensors that we see today are the products of nanotechnology. Lot of industries are adapting this technology to make their products smaller and more efficient.
  9. Sustainable Energy & Power systems: Now industries are investing lots of their money and time to develop more efficient solar cells, windmills, systems that can generate power from tides etc. This technology offers wide range of job opportunities for electronics engineers.

What are the skills that Indore Institute of Science and Technology, IIST Indore provide to our ECE students to make Industry ready?

IIST focus on following areas for ECE students to make Industry ready is as follows:

  1. Computer proficiency is a must these days; so we trained them in various latest computer languages like Python, MATLAB and VHDL etc test them through skillrack platform.
  2. Develop your communication and interpersonal skills through our CDC Cell and conduct regular classes of English and Aptitude from First year to Final Year students.
  3. More focus on practical skills through various Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) and On-Campus Internship and get hands-on experience on theoretical concepts
  4. Exposed our ECE students to current industrial methodologies through MHRD IIC Portal.
  5. Stay updated with the latest technologies by developing projects on them and motivates to participate in international and national competition like Smart India Hackathon. 
  6.  Additional certified training programs to build their profile through our various associations like e-Yantra IIT Bombay, Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay, Virtual Lab IIT Delhi, Microsoft Imagine Academia and etc.
  7. Take additional responsibilities in our college to showcase their managerial skills through entrepreneur cell and develop leadership and team working abilities.
S. No. Title SIG Date & No. of Days Target Audience Resource person / Faculty Name Outcome Photographs
1 Workshop on Advanced Robotics Robotics 24 June – 28 June 2019 (5 Days Workshop) II and III Year and IV Year EC Students Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah

Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

(IIST Faculty)

  1. Students get exposure in robots design and development
  2. Students get hands on experience on making Line follower, RF controlled and Bluetooth controlled robots
2 Design and Fabrication Workshop Design and fabrication 1 July – 3 July 2019 (4 Days Workshop) II and III Year EC Students Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah

Mr. Devendra Singh Mandloi

Ms. Arpita Tiwari

(IIST Faculty)

  1. Students get exposure in learning designing and fabrication of PCB using KiCad Design tool
  2.  Students make projects using PCB.
3 Workshop on Advanced IOT Application IoT 29 June to 5 July 2019 (7 Days Workshop) EC IV Year Students Mr. Rohit Kukreja

(Indeyes Infotech)

Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah


Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


  1. Students get exposure on IOT Application
  2. Students make projects based on IOT like: Interfacing Blynk App, web page  e.t.c.
4 eYantra Workshop on Robotics 11-12 October 2019 (2 Days FDP) Intercollege Faculties Mr. Aditya Pawar

Mr. Arjun Sardana

Mr. Vikrant Fernandes

(eYantra IIT Bombay)

Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah


Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta


  1. Exposure about Firebird V Robotic Platform
  2. Hands on practical on making line follower robot
5 Workshop on VLSI Design Design and Fabrication 02-01-2020 to 03-01-2020 (2-Day Workshop) II and III Year Students Mr. Ankit Jain 

Mr. Rupesh Kumar Dutta

  1. Exposure of VLSI Design flow
  2. Hand on practical on various modules on VHDL
6 Workshop on Fun with Arduino Robotics 02-01-2020 to 04-01-2020 (3-Day Workshop) I Year Students Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah

Ms. Arpita Tiwari

  1. Robotics Basics on Arduino Platform
7 Internship Training Program on Arduino  / Raspberry-pi Robotics 06/01/2020 to 11/01/2020 (6 days) II and III Year Students Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah

Mr. Shrawan Kumar Namdeo

  1. Advanced Learning based on Python with Arduino
  2. Control robots using Python
  3. Basic Python 
  4. Various python library

1. Robotic Club Believes: There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe. The goal of teaching robotics is to adopt students to current production process, where the automation technology plays a very important role. However robotics system is considered beyond a working application.

Robots have become a popular educational tool in some middle and high schools, as well as in numerous summer camps, raising interest in programming, artificial intelligence and robotics among students


Workshop title: Workshop on Embedded System                    Date: 14-15 April 2019

Workshop title: Workshop on Robotics Competition               Date: 18-19 Sep 2018

Workshop title: Workshop on Manual Robot                           Date: 12-13 August 2018

Workshop title: Workshop on Automation                              Date: 28-29 April 2018

Workshop title: Embedded System Workshop                         Date: 17-28 January 2018

Workshop title: PCB Designing Workshop                              Date: 18-21 Dec 2017

Workshop title: Workshop on Introduction of Embedded  Date: 29-30 Oct 2017

Workshop title: Project Exhibition                                           Date: 10 Oct 2017

Workshop title: Workshop on Autonomous Robot                  Date: 07 Sep 2017

Workshop title: Workshop on Manual Robot                           Date: 07 Oct 2017


2. Drone Club

The main objective of the Drone club is to motivate the students to work on different fields and applications of the Drone technology. This Drone club aims to form a research-based environment for VTOL UAV where students will be able to provide innovative ideas for the welfare of society and technology.

3. ISTE Student Chapter

  • Providing quality training programs to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity.
  • To assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations.
  • Providing guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.
S. No. Year Workshops / Training Organized by 
 1 2018-19 Workshop on Introduction of Embedded System IIST Indore under ISTE Chapter
2 2017-18 Workshop on Autonomous robotics (line follower, edge detection, grid solving) IIST Indore under ISTE Chapter

4. Swayam Students Chapter:

SWAYAM is an initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. World’s largest SWAYAM MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), a new paradigm of education for anyone, anywhere, anytime, as per your convenience, aimed to provide digital education free of cost and to facilitate hosting of all the interactive courses prepared by the best more than 1000 specially chosen faculty and teachers in the country. SWAYAM MOOCs enhances active learning for improving lifelong learning skills by providing easy access to global resources.