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Degree Awarded Discipline Duration Entry Level Seats in IIST
B.Tech Civil Engineering 4 years 10+2 (PCM) 60

About the Department


We welcome you to the website of Civil Engineering department at Indore Institute of Science and Technology, IIST was established in 2003 and the Civil Engineering Program is part of the institution since 2012 to offer a Bachelor’s Degree. We are young but fast-growing department with an intake of 60 students. We take great pride in developing skilled civil engineers who are industry ready to cater the needs of modern era. Our department proudly holds dedicated and motivated faculty members with a number of specific sub-disciplines viz. Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Construction Management. The Department of Civil Engineering with its multifaceted faculty continues to maintain and cultivate its strong links with the infrastructural industry, academic and research institutions both within and outside the State. On a daily basis, civil engineers are touched by many aspects of human life and contribute their knowledge and services in society. From the structures of our homes to designing drinking water / irrigation and environmentally efficient transportation systems or water supply systems, we live in one way or another and are impressed by the work and dedication of civil engineers. Our activities and missions fall into three categories: Teaching, Research and Service. Our students are being prepared to be socially responsible leaders in the field of civil engineering with 360 grooming and holistic development, whether in R & D, higher studies, or to practice as professionals. We encourage you to visit our Campus or explore our website to learn more about the student-centered learning environment to meet global needs.

Department Vision and Mission

  • To impart high technical competency amongst the students and strive for excellence towards addressing civil engineering challenges.
  • To make the department as hub of excellence by offering good research oriented learning environment & producing Industry ready Engineers.
  • To promote innovative logical thinking among the students to face new challenges and real time problems in Civil engineering
  • To provide quality based consultancy services to the communities for the development of the region
  • To encourage students to pursue higher education, excel in competitive exams and various career enhancement programs.
  • PEO 1: To prepare students by bridging the gaps between the curriculum and industries requirement.
  • PEO 2: To prepare learners to use modern tools effectively to solve real life problems
  • PEO 3: To encourage and motivate learners for Consultancy Services.
  • PEO 4: To prepare learners for successful career in Indian and multinational organizations and to excel in post graduate studies.

Upon successful completion of the program, the students would have the following attributes.

  • PO 1: Ability to apply the basic knowledge of mathematics, science, mechanics to the solution of complex civil engineering problems in manner to develop engineering skills of students in various disciplines viz. structural analysis and design, water resources engineering and hydraulics, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction technology and management, building planning & architecture etc.
  • PO 2: Ability to identify, formulate and analyze complex problems related to civil engineering and construction management reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO 3: An ability to design different components of civil engineering structures using different materials and methods that fulfill desired specifications and requirements for Foundation, public health engineering and sewerage structures, irrigation and water resources schemes, hydraulic structures, rigid and flexible pavements, buildings and bridge structures, special structures, etc.
  • PO 4: Conducting reconnaissance survey and investigate geotechnical features of soil through exploration for civil engineering projects.
  • PO 5: Create, select and apply appropriate technique, resources and modern engineering tools including prediction and modeling to complex civil engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO 6: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess social health safety, legal and culture issues and consequent responsibilities relevant to professional civil engineering practices.
  • PO 7: Broadly understand the impact of the civil engineering solutions in society and environmental contexts, and demonstrate awareness of contemporary issues and need for sustainable development.
  • PO 8: Apply ethical principles committed to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practices and regulatory Building Bye Laws.
  • PO 9: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary setting.
  • PO 10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the civil engineering organizations and with society such as being able to write effective and detailed report of the civil engineering project and make effective presentations on their project.
  • PO 11: Demonstrate knowledge for understanding civil engineering and management principles to apply these to one’s own civil engineering project work as a member and leader in a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO 12: Ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning & adapt to rapid changes in civil engineering and its allied areas.


ICT Support For Learning

Special Interest Groups (SIG’s)

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of a physically and naturally built environment, including public works such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, structural components of buildings and railways. Emerging trends in civil engineering are building information modeling, earthquake resistant design, smart building, sustainable development, advanced materials and more. It is essential to self-learn and research into these emerging trends. For which special interest groups are formed in our department

Self-education is inspired in these special interest groups of the department. Various resources related to student interest have been provided at SIG. It is patronized by teaching faculties and senior students to provide them the opportunity to work in teams. Self-interest and self-learning are motivated in this SIG (Special Interest Group). The CE department has four SIGs through which we offer certified skills courses on the latest research areas and technologies


Students who wish to become independent structural advisors are members of this SIG. Under this, the students of SIG are trained on all professional software of structural design. STAD Pro, SAP, Etabs etc. Students are gaining complete conceptual knowledge of structural design and getting ready to provide solutions to the construction industry


This SIG is providing complete building planning and knowledge about national building code and municipal byelaws and provide hands-on training to students on all the software used in this field. The whole concern of this SIG is to enable students to provide professional counselling in this field independently and innovatively.


SIG students are working in it:

  1. Statistics of the use of renewable and non-renewable resources used in construction industries.
  2. Case study of construction work done in the field of permanent construction.
  3. EIA Case Study for Construction Projects.
  4. To publish research papers related to low cost building materials and these researches along with research in the field of sustainable.
  5. Energy efficient buildings planning.

This SIG prepares students for advanced research in the field of sustainable development and prepares students to offer professional consultation to the industry regarding the use of construction materials in different situations currently.


The goal of the institution is to impart knowledge about rainwater harvesting to the students. SIG focuses more on project-based learning in addition to preparing students to face the obstacles that typically come up when applying their technical knowledge. SIG works continuously in projects with students in this domain. Projects include harvesting of roof water, surface water and stormwater which is collected during the rains.


Students will work as industry requires by showing their skills in preparing quantity estimates for building, roads and canal structures as per specification and they can also draft detailed specification and work out Rate Analysis for all works related to Civil Engineering projects. Students will be able to make the construction budgets and schedule the activities related to projects.

It is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the National Mission on Education through ICT. The Department of Mechanical Engineering conducts virtual labs programs organized by different IITs across the country

Know More

Message From Head Of Department

Dr. Niraj Kumar Soni

Head of Department
Civil Engineering
Cont: 0731-4010612

Email: [email protected]


We are dedicated to provide innovative and high quality opportunities to our students to enable them acquiring the fundamental knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for entry and success in the professional practice of civil engineering. Our program provides advanced instructions in the latest tools and technologies of engineering practice, our students get state of the art hands on engineering experience in well-equipped modern laboratories. Our graduates are well prepared for both the contemporary demands they will face when they enter the profession, as well as the technological challenges they need to address in the future.

State Of The Art Lab Infrastructure

 FM Lab
Transportation Lab

Know More About The Department

There are a number of career opportunities available in the sector of CIVIL ENGINEERING. These opportunities are exponentially increasing day by day. Students can hunt their career in the following fields and in today’s context there are various private and public Sectors which are working in the market.

  • Public Sector Units (PSUs) – Railways, ONGC, NHPC, NPCIL, SAIL, GAIL, MECON, IRCON, NHAI, NTPC, BHEL, Airport Authority of India ltd., etc. 
  • Military Engineering Services (MES)
  • National Defense Academy 
  • Public Works Department (PWD)
  • Public Health Engineering (PHE)
  • Rural Road Development Authority (RRDA)
  • Irrigation Department
  • Geological Survey of India
  • Town and Country Planning
  • Smart Cities
  • Steel and Power Sectors
  • Onshore Engineering
  • Oil Refineries
  •  Automobile Sectors
  • Fertilizer plants
  • Rubber Factories
  • Ordinance Factories
  • Telecom Sector
  • MEP & EPC Projects
  • Maintenance
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Research & Development organizations
  • Education & Training Sectors
  • Private Consultancies & PMC
  • Infrastructures
  • Interior Designing & Architecture 
  • Project Planning and Budgeting
  • Cement Plants
  • Multinational Companies – (L&T, Shapoorji Pallonji, DLF, GDC, Simplex Infrastructure, HCC, ESSAR Construction, IVRCL, Gammon India, Ultra-Tech, Unitech, Ashoka Builcon, Shobha Developers, Raheja Constuctions, Hiranandani Constructions, etc.

UGC Approved Journals:

  1. Hemant B. Vasaikar, Dr. Vijay Rode, Shailendra Singh, “Progress of Plastic Zones in Elasto-Plastic Material of a Circular Plate with the Opening”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (ISSN No.: 2455 – 2585). Impact Factor – 5.22, Volume 4, Issue 6, Pg. 1456 – 1463
  2. Ritu Tomar, Manish Kumar Nimoriya, Shailendra Singh, “Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Bridges Using Fragility-Based Approach”, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management (ISSN No.: 2349 – 4506). Impact Factor – 2.545, Volume 3, Issue 7, Pg. 59 – 69.
  3. Nitin Goyal, Shailendra Singh, Lalitesh Sinha, Utkarsh Jain, “A Comparative Assessment of Water Quality for Pithampur Industrial Area, Indore”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN No.:2394 – 4099). Impact Factor – 2.875, Volume 1, Issue 4, pg. 388 – 395.
  4. Shailendra Singh, Hemant B. Vasaikar, “Seismic Response of Soft Storey on High Rise Building Frame”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (ISSN NO.: 2348 – 2117). Impact Factor – 3.983, Volume 3, Issue 4, pg. 41 – 48.

International Journals:

  1. Manish K. Nimoriya, Shailendra Singh, Hemant Vasaikar, “Climatic changes in Indore with reference to solid waste management & air pollution”, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN No.: 2348 – 7968). Impact Factor – 1.5, Volume 2, Issue 12, pg. 395 – 401.
  2. Utkarsh Jain, Singh Shailendra, Manish Kumar Nimoriya, Md. Islamuddin Faraz, “Seismic Response of Base Isolation R/C Frame Structure”, International Journal of Engineering Technology & Management (ISSN NO.: 2394 – 6881). Impact Factor – 2.06, Volume 2, Issue 4, pg. 60 – 67.
  3. Singh Shailendra, Jain Utkarsh, Nimoriya Manish Kumar, Faraz Md. Islamuddin, “A Comparative Study of Simply Supported and Continuous R.C.C. Slab Bridges”, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science (ISSN NO.: 2091 – 2730). Impact Factor – 3.843, Volume 3, Issue 3, pg. 1510 – 1520.
  4. Shailendra Singh, Hemant B. Vasaikar, “Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Lime”, International Journal of Science and Research (ISSN NO.: 2319 – 7064), Impact Factor – 4.438, Volume 4, Issue 5, pg. 2090 – 2094.
  5. Utkarsh Jain, Md. Islamuddin Faraz, Shailendra Singh, Ketan Jain, “Analysis to Convert Traditional Building to Green Building”, International Journal of Engineering Trends & Technology (ISSN NO.: 2231 – 5381), Impact Factor – 1.795, Volume 23, No. 9, pg. 432 – 438.
  6. Singh Shailendra, Jain Utkarsh, Faraz Md. Islamuddin, Jain Ketan, “Using Marble Detritus in Concrete Mix in the Percent Replacement of Cement”, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development (ISSN NO.: 2249 – 6149), Impact Factor – 2.87, Volume 3, Issue 5, pg. 243 – 249.
  7. Islamuddin Faraz, Utkarsh Jain, Ketan Jain, Shailendra Singh, “Effect of Crumb Rubber Material on Concrete Mix”, SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (ISSN NO.: 2348 – 8352), Impact Factor – 2.54, Volume 2, Issue 4, pg. 14 – 17.


National Conferences: 

  1. Hemant B. Vasaikar, Vijay R. Rode and Shailendra Singh, “Elasto – Plastic analysis of plates: A Higher order concept”, National Conference, held at Technocrats Institute of Technology (Excellence), Bhopal, M.P., on Recent Advancements & Innovations in Civil Engineering (RAICE – 2014), Pg. 184 – 188.S


S.No. Title of Paper Name of Author’s Category (International Conferene/ National Conference / National Journal / International Journal Date / Month Organizer
1. Effect of Vertical Geometric Irregularity on Flat slab system with Response spectrum Analysis Mr. Niraj Soni International Journal Jan’2018 IJTIMES
2. Dynamic Analysis of Flat Slab System in Vertical Irregular Building with & without Shear Wall


Mr. Niraj Soni International Journal Jan’2018 IJRSI
3. Comparative study of seismic performance in flat slab with and without shear wall of multistoried building in different earth quake zone”  

Mr. Niraj Soni

International Journal March’2018 IJRASET
4. Cost analysis of OH tank foundation with varying depth of soil above footing  

Mr. Niraj Soni

International Journal March’2018 IJRASET
5. Parametric Study of Underground water Tank using FEM Mr. Niraj Soni International Journal March’2018 IJSTE
6. Seismic analysis of flat slab multi-storey Building with varying Shear wall indices Mr. Niraj Soni International Journal April’2018 IRJET
7. Cost Variation of Over Head Tank Foundation with varying bracing distances Mr. Niraj Soni International Journal Dec’2018 IJTIMES
8. A case study of cracks in building: Causes and repair Mr. Aman Tiwari International Journal June’2018 IJRESM
9. Progress of plastic zones in elasto-plastic material of a circular plate with the opening Mr. Shailendra Singh International Journal Dec’2017 IJTIMES
10. Experimental Investigation on marble dust for partial replacement of cement in M25 concrete. Ms. Shanu Sharma International Journal Nov’2017 IJSHRE
11. Review paper of tensegrity Structure Mr. Avinash Singh International Journal Nov’2018 IRJET


1. ISTE Students Chapter

Providing quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity. To assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations. Providing guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.a

2. Swayam Students Chapter

SWAYAM is an initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. World’s largest SWAYAM MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), a new paradigm of education for anyone, anywhere, anytime, as per your convenience, aimed to provide digital education free of cost and to facilitate hosting of all the interactive courses prepared by the best more than 1000 specially chosen faculty and teachers in the country. SWAYAM MOOCs enhances active learning for improving lifelong learning skills by providing easy access to global resources.