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Degree Awarded Discipline Duration Entry Level Seats in IIST
B.Tech CM 4 years 10+2 (PCM) 60

About the Department


The Department of Chemical Engineering of IIST, Indore is well known for providing a challenging academic program to its students. We also encourage our students to gain real-world engineering experience through industrial visits & projects etc.. Moreover, our graduate course offers exciting and multi-disciplinary opportunities for students to research and explore. Students at IIST get excellent opportunities to work alongside their advisors. IIST has state-of-the-art teaching tools and smart ICT resources. The department also offers specializations in different areas to its undergraduate students as well.

Department Vision and Mission

  • To be one of the outstanding departments for its education and research in the field of Chemical Engineering and also strive for the holistic development of the student.
  • Strive for academic excellence in Chemical Engineering through well designed course curriculum, effective classroom pedagogy, in-depth knowledge of laboratory work and computing technologies.
  • Incubate, apply and spread innovative ideas by collaborating with relevant industries through focused research groups and transforming the Chemical Engineering Department as a leader in imparting Quality Education and Research.
  • Transform undergraduate engineering students into technically competent, socially responsible and ethical professionals through continuous team work by a group of committed faculty members.
  • PEO 1: Impart broad technical knowledge in chemical engineering discipline with research attitude, problem solving techniques and hands on skill.
  • PEO 2: Provide successful career with professional ethics and responsibilities as a leading or participating role in chemical engineering, R & D organization, academia and other fields orto pursue higher studies.
  • PEO 3: Identify and solve engineering problems using a scientific research approach with their sound engineering base (Engineering Basics) and with the knowledge of contemporary global issues.
  • PO 1: Engineering Knowledge: An ability to understand and solve real chemical engineering problems by establishing the relationship between mathematics, basic sciences , engineering sciences and aptitude.
  • PO 2: Problem Analysis:An Ability to identify, analyze and resolve chemical engineering problem by deep knowledge of laboratory work, latest software tools & computing technologies, self-study, participation and professional development courses.
  • PO 3: Design/ Development of Solution: An ability to identify and resolve the problems relevant with design of various component of industrial production process.
  • PO 4: Conduct Investigation of problem: An ability to use research based knowledge and by reviewing research literature reaching substantial conclusion by applying principle of mathematics, natural sciences and chemical engineering science.
  • PO 5: Modern Tool Usage: An Ability to select and apply appropriate method, resource, modern technique and engineering tools to complex chemical engineering activities.
  • PO 6: The Engineer and Society: An understanding of the ethical, societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and consequent responsibilities relevant to Chemical Engineering Technology practice.
  • PO 7: Environment and Sustainability: AnAbility to take societal, environmental and economical considerations into account in professional activities.
  • PO 8: Ethics:An Ability to apply ethical principles, professional ethics and responsibilities of the chemical engineering practice.
  • PO 9: Individual and team work: An Ability to conduct team work (within the discipline, inter-disciplinary, multidisciplinary)
  • PO 10: Communication: An ability to communicate verbally, in writing and audio-visually in industrial activities performance.
  • PO 11: Project Management and Finance: An Ability to conduct experiment, management task and do engineering design for multidisciplinary project.
  • PO 12: Life Long Learning:An ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in specialized technologies and contemporary issues.


A graduate of the Chemical Engineering Program will demonstrate:


Ability to analyze different physical, chemical and biological systems/processes by applying the knowledge of unit operations and unit processes.


Ability to automate and control processes/systems by designing an environment friendly system for effective reaction, separation and purification and other operations in various processes with proper safety measures using modern engineering tools and simulators


Ability to acquire high end industry centric skills in the field of Chemical Engineering with professional ethics for the benefit of society.


ICT Support For Learning

Special Interest Groups (SIG’s)


Chemical Engineers are responsible for developing new industrial processes and designing new process plants and equipment or modifying existing ones. The role of chemical engineers is to design and troubleshoot the production processes through process automation, waste and energy management. They are often employed by large scale manufacturing plants to increase productivity and product quality while reducing costs. Along with the production industries and technical advancements, demand of skill graduate engineers is also increasing. In the view of this demand, our department has constituted 7 SIG’s for the students. In which they will get the
opportunity to upgrade their skills according to their interest.


1) SIG- Computational Analysis Techniques

Students are trained in high level critical and creative thinking skills. With the help of SPSS and EXCEL software they can solve chemical industries numerical problems with the ease.


2) SIG- Process & Instrumentation Design

Students will learn about the operations of various instruments used in the chemical industries, how to read and draft piping and instrumentation diagrams which is the very crucial step in any process industry. With the help of AutoCAD P&ID software and EXCEL students will able to do piping design like line sizing for liquid, gas and fluid mixtures.


3) SIG- Clean Energy 

Through this SIG students will get knowledge about renewable energy technologies like Fuel Cell, Solar cells, Bio Energy etc., Live models will be prepared for domestic and Industrial purpose.


4) SIG- Process Integration with Pinch Technology

Students will learn about the “Systematic and general methods for designing integrated production systems, ranging from individual processes to total sites with special emphasis on the efficient use of energy and reducing environmental effects”. The main aim of this SIG is to teach students how to reduce the operating cost of existing plants, while new processes often can be designed with reduction in both investment cost and operating cost. Hands on training on MATLAB, CHEMCAD, ASPEN EDR-HTRI, ASPEN HYSIS, AFT Fathom, DWSIM software.


5) SIG- Industrial safety Management

This SIG aims in designing and operation of safe and cost-effective processes. Student will be educated about personal protective equipment, fire safety, hazardous materials and their symbols. Students will gain insights to recognize the importance of a safe work environment with live Industrial training.


6) SIG- AI/Machine Learning in Process Industries:

Students will able to adopt Machine Learning / AI techniques in chemical industries, like statistical machine learning, evolutionary computation in petroleum product characterization, chemical change modeling and process optimization, decision-making, environmental perception, and digital troubleshooting of varied problems within the industry. Coding skills will be given by PYTHON software


7) SIG- Nano Technology for waste management

Under this SIG student will able to learn state of the art techniques used in waste management like Nanotechnology and using smart polymers. Skills will be developed in synthesis and characterization techniques like XRD, FT-IR, SEM , UV Spectroscopy, HPLC, Gas Chromatography.


It is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the National Mission on Education through ICT. The Department of Chemical Engineering conducts virtual labs programs organized by different IITs across the country

Know More

Message From Head Of Department

Dr. Samatha Singh

Head of Department
Chemical Engineering
Cont: 0731-4010674, 655

Email: [email protected]


Welcome to the exciting world of Chemical Engineering! The Department of Chemical Engineering was started in the year 2012 In Indore Institute of Science & Technology, Indore. Chemical Engineers take a unique view of processes – they have the ability to look at processes which convert raw materials into useful products – both from an overall perspective, determining the economic feasibility of such conversion processes, but also from a very fundamental perspective, where the role and behaviour of specific components participating in these processes are studied in detail. This is what makes Chemical Engineering unique and relevant. Our students are exposed to practical problems through the department’s well equipped laboratories including Software Laboratory for advanced computation and simulation using software like CHEMCAD, AFT Fathom, AutoCAD P&ID, and MATLAB etc.

Industrial tours and in-plant training are organized in reputed chemical plants for our B.Tech Students every semester to link smart classroom teaching with chemical plant operation. Variety of workshops and guest lectures on advanced/emerging topics in Chemical Engineering are also organized for students. Reputed firms visit our campus to recruit the graduating engineers. Chemical Engineers are at the forefront of technology and their role in modern society is becoming increasingly important. Chemical Engineering Department at IIST takes pride in nurturing high quality Chemical Engineering professionals for fruitful engagement in industry, research and academics.  I trust that you will find Chemical Engineering as interesting, challenging and relevant as many others before you have.

State Of The Art Lab Infrastructure

Mass Transfer I Lab
Environment Engineering Lab
Mass Transfer II Laboratory
Chemical Process Control Laboratory
Heat Transfer Laboratory
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Fluid Particle Mechanics Laboratory
Simulation Laboratory

Know More About The Department


  • Petroleum & Petrochemicals
  • Oil & Gas Sectors
  • Pulp Paper
  • Fertilizers & Pesticides
  • Food Processing/ Beverage
  • Cosmetics / Soaps & Detergents
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Paints, Dyes & Textiles
  • UPSC/PSC/Forest Services/PCB
  • Banking Sector/ Insurance Sector
  • Construction & Polymers Materials
  • Environment Health & Safety (EHS)
  • Software Companies (EIL/TCS/WIPRO/INFOSYS)
  • Public Sectors & Research Institute

Research areas

  • Catalysis & Reaction Engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Energy and Environment
  • Material Engineering
  • Process System Engineering
  • Polymer and Complex fluids
  • Computing and Simulation
  • Micro fabricated Systems
  • Bio molecular Engineering
  • Fire & Safety

Department of Chemical Engineering

List of publications of faculty

S. No. Name of Faculty Title Name Name of Journal Publication Date
1. Mrs. Samatha Singh A review on various MFC for power generation Journal of Biofuel and Bioenergy June 2016
2. Mrs. Samatha Singh Production of biodegradable plastic (polylactic acid) from mollasses International journal of engineering science and humanities 2012
3 Mrs. Samatha Singh A review on MFC using organic waste as feed CIB Tech Journal of biotechnology 2012
4 Mrs. Samatha Singh Advance oxidation process for waste water treatment: A Review International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology January 2019
5 Mrs. Samatha Singh Production of an Organic fertilizer from Garden waste Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research May 2019
6 Mr. Rahul Gupta Review on Reactive Distillation and Recent Applications


Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research November 2016
7 Mr. Rahul Gupta “Hydraulic Speed Breaker Power Generator” International Journal of Engineering Research & Applications, Volume 3, Issue 6. November- December 2013
8 Mr. Rahul Gupta Production of an Organic fertilizer from Garden waste Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research May 2019
9 Rahul Bhargava Techniques Available for the Extraction of Essential Oils from Plants: A Review International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology(UGC Approved) March-2018
10 Rahul Bhargava Production of Ethanol from Corn using Yeast

( Saccharomyces Cerevisiae)

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, Issue 12. December 2016
11 Rahul Bhargava  

“Production of Biofuel (Ethanol) from Corn and co product evolution”: A Review

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 3, Issue 12. December 2016
12 Rahul Bhargava A review on :Electro Coagulation technique on Dairy Waste water Treatment Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research November-2016
13 Rahul Bhargava  

A Review On: Comparison between Different Techniques for Treating Wastewater

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research November-2016
14 Mr. Rahul Bhargava Advance oxidation process for waste water treatment: A Review International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, January 2019
15 Mr. Rahul Bhargava A compressive study on solid and Hazardous waste Management International Journal of Innovations In Engineering Research & Technology March 2019
16 Mr. Rahul Bhargava Recent methods available for rerefining of lubricating oil: A review International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology April 2019
17 Pankaj Malviya  

Evaluation of water quality of Narmada river with reference to physico-chemical parameters


International journal of engineering sciences & research technology

18 Pankaj Malviya Physico- chemical parameters of Narmada RiverWater: A review International Journal of Chemical Studies 2015
19 Pankaj Malviya Production of bio-plastic from food waste IRJET Under Process
20 Pankaj Kumar Advance oxidation process for waste water treatment: A Review International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, January 2019
21 Pankaj Kumar A compressive study on solid and Hazardous waste Management International Journal of Innovations In Engineering Research & Technology May 2019
22 Farhin Khan A Review On Technicques Available For The Extraction of Essential Oils From Various Plants International Research Journal of Engineering &Technology May 2018
23 Farhin Khan Study of Essential oil extraction from Eucalyptus and Lemon grass using hydro distillation method. International Research Journal of Engineering & Technology March 2019
24 Mrs. Samatha Singh Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Small Town International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
May 2020
25 Mrs. Samatha Singh Graphene as electrode material for the greater power generation in microbial fuel cell International Journal of Chemical & Petrochemical Technology
26 Mrs. Samatha Singh Microbial fuel cell: a novel technology for energy generation and comparison of power densities for different electrodes using nano technology Elsevier 2019
27 Mr. Rahul Gupta Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Small Town International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
May 2020
S. No. Industry Name/ Research Centre Date Type of Company
1 Rama Phosphate Ltd. Dharampuri, Indore 4th Oct. 2019 Private Limited
2 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Magliya 9 Feb.2019 Government
3 Jalud Water Treatment Plant Visit 29-Apr-17 Government
4 Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore 27 Jan. 2017 Research centre
5 Symbiotic Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Indore 22 Oct., 2016 Private Limited
6 Sanchi Dugdh Sangh, Mangliya, Indore 12-Mar-16 Public Limited
7 Wind Mills, Dewas 6 Nov.,  2015 Government
8 Tata International Ltd., Dewas (M.P) 12-Mar-15 Exporter / Manufacturer / Supplier
S. No. Industry Name Date Type of Company
1 K.C Engineers 27th  – 3rd  April,2016 Pivate Ltd.
2 Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited, Tarapur 9th  – 15th     March ,2017 Government
3 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Vishakapatnam , Vizag steel museum , submarine museum 3rd – 9th     March ,2018 Government
4 Vardhman Textile Ltd. Baddi, Himachal Pradesh 3rd – 10th January 2019 Pivate Ltd.

1. ISTE Students Chapter: 

Providing quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity. To assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations. Providing guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.

2. Swayam Students Chapter: 

SWAYAM is an initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. World’s largest SWAYAM MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), a new paradigm of education for anyone, anywhere, anytime, as per your convenience, aimed to provide digital education free of cost and to facilitate hosting of all the interactive courses prepared by the best more than 1000 specially chosen faculty and teachers in the country. SWAYAM MOOCs enhances active learning for improving lifelong learning skills by providing easy access to global resources.

3. Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers: 

Department of Chemical Engineering is proud to be associated with Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) as an organizational member. The IIChE publishes a quarterly journal, the Indian Chemical Engineer (ICE) and conducts annual session known as the Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON).