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  • Top 5 Civil Engineering Trends That Are Here to Stay

    • September 22, 2019
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • 0 Comment

    Engineering has always been one of the streams that have offered bright career opportunities to the aspirants. Though modern engineering studies have a lot of disciplines included into its.

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  • The Key USPs of the Indore Institute of Science & Technology

    Infrastructure, faculty strength, pedagogy, curriculum frames, and extracurricular activities are some of the key aspects that determine the strength of an academic institution. Moreover, if the institution is dealing.

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  • The Vitality of Industry Exposure for Engineering Students

    The only way you can reach your full potential is if you open up and allow yourself to be exposed to reality; real experiences.” ― TurcoisOminek Industry exposure plays.

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  • The Vitality of Industry Exposure for Engineering Students

    “The only way you can reach your full potential is if you open up and allow yourself to be exposed to reality; real experiences.” ― TurcoisOminek Industry exposure plays.

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  • Engineering Technology Trends to Watch for in 2019

    Engineering is a domain of study that connects the fine threads of innovation and evolution together. It has been one of the renowned means for bridging up the bridge.

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  • Unleashing the Power of Flipped Classroom Learning Methodology

    Flexibility in learning is necessary in order to keep your goals consistent. The goals and ambitions are best accomplished when you unleash the true art of learning. We live.

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  • The Significance of Practical Learning and its Connection with Employability

    Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin This is how the human brain tends to function. A.

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  • What Makes the IT Program at IIST the Best in its Class

    Information technology is a domain and a stream of studies that has made overwhelming progress over the last few decades, and the impact it has made on each and.

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  • Progressive Infrastructure for Evolving Times

    With time, education has also come a long way, and it no longer confines itself within the periphery of formal textbook learning. As time evolved, so did the world.

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  • The ERP-Enabled Smart Campus of Indore Institute

    Application of ERP integrated software has made systematic progress over the last few years. With the advantage of making the entire course of work and operations of an institution.

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