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  • Indore Institute of Science and Technology organized a 24 hour Hackathon on 19-20 February 2018

    • April 10, 2018
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • Comments Off on Indore Institute of Science and Technology organized a 24 hour Hackathon on 19-20 February 2018

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology organized Hackathon in which Over 104 young budding software developers gathered at IIST premises, to compete in the competition. The plan for the Hackathon was to “Revamp college website with artistry and elegance” where all the participants designed the website and tried to crack a predetermined challenge within a given period of time. A total of 32 teams participated in the Hackathon that started at 12:30 PM on 19 Feb 2018 and ended on 12:30 PM on 20 Feb 2018. Participants included students from first year to fourth year and were open for all branches.

    The goal of this Hackathon was to provide a competitive platform to students that embrace the opportunities of digitalization among students. The announcement of the competition raised a lot of interest, with over 104 participants on 32 teams.

    Before Hackathon, two days workshop was organized in which the delegates from industry gave hands-on training to students in order to brush up their designing skills so that they can participate in the competition.
The entire competition was judged by Mr. Ankit Gupta, Mr Devendra from Syscraft and Mr.Sudarshan Verma from Ideavate. Each team presented their newly designed website to a panel of judges on February 20, 2018.The winners of the competition were given cash prize of Rs. 18000/- . “The Hackthon is an excellent opportunity to create new services and operating models,” says Director, Dr.Joy Banerjee.

    Director General, Mr.Arun S Bhatnagar Congratulated the winners for and said ,“ Your triumph will ring through the history of our institute. We are proud of you!”

    First Prize (Rs 10,000): Team Dex Labs (Akash Mishra and Akshay sen)

    Second Prize (Rs 5,000): Code Miners (Rishabh Khare,Chirag Choyal and Karan Nishad)

    Third Prize (Rs 3,000): Team Robotronix (Hritik Shukla, Himanshu Patidar, Pratham Jain, Jay Panchal and Esha Joshi)

    Below mentioned Top 7 teams were given consolation prizes:

    1. Team ABC: Pratibha Rajpoot, Purva Kushwaha Mayank Gandhe and Animesh Sharma
    2. Team Mind Reformers: Farha Akhtar , Madhur Likhar and Mansi Deolalikar
    3. Team #Coder$: Abhishek Chandra, Prachi Gupta and Ankush Chourasia
    4. Team V Unified: Manali Sethi , Garima Khandelwal, Divyanshi Pathak and Khushboo Ajmera
    5. Team The Nebula : Pallavi Shrivas, Shivam Gupta ,Prateek Patel and Apoorva Saxena
    6. Team CS1: Ankit Shrivastav, Arpit Jain and Aditya Jain
    7. Team Crazy Hat: Pradhunmya Bilawaliya