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The Pharmacy department houses well equipped and maintained laboratories for conducting and providing research facilities in the field of synthesis and characterization of novel drug entities, pharmacological screening and toxicology study, pharmaceutical analysis, drug delivery systems, pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics, phytochemistry and pharmacognosy. Department has its central instrumental laboratory equipped with many sophisticated instruments, which are used for training of the students as well as carrying out research work at all levels. The instruments include – HPLC, Trionocular microscope, Flame Photometer, Point Apparatus, Brookfield Viscometer, UV-Visible Spectrophotometers, dissolution apparatus etc. Department also has well maintained herbal garden containing more than 300 species of medicinal plants.

Animal House Facility Animal House facility: The Institute has CPCSEA approved, well equipped, well ventilated, air conditioned animal house that provides hygienic environment to the animals. Experimental animals are housed as per the standard guidelines. Animal house has provision for service areas like records office, washing and autoclaving area, store room, room for storing animal feed and bedding. As per the law, institutional animal ethics committee is also constituted and works to suggest necessary modifications, new implementation for the welfare of the animals

Computer Lab: Pharmacy has developed excellent computer application laboratory with internet facility. It facilitates our research students to undertake literature surveys for their dissertations work through the World Wide Web and the different search engines available for this purpose.