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Campus News

Indore Institute of Science and Technology (IIST) Achieves Top Honors in the e-Yantra Lab Initiative

🥇 Recognized as a Grade A institution by IIT Bombay's e-Yantra, IIST stands tall among the top 17 colleges in India! 🚀 From engaging in various eLSI programs to fostering a vibrant learning environment with workshops, competitions, and online training, IIST is dedicated to hands-on experience in robotics and embedded systems. 💡 Leveraging resources from…

International Webinar on Post Covid-19 Opportunities in the Pharmacy Sector

World Pharmacist Day (Transforming Global Health) on 25th September

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Principal-Indore Institute of Pharmacy received most Prestigious “Prof. G. P. Talwar Young scientist award”

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Principal-Indore Institute of Pharmacy received most Prestigious "Prof. G. P. Talwar Young scientist award" by Padma Bhushan Prof. G. P. Talwar during "World Congress on Reproductive Health with Emphasis on Reproductive Cancers, Infertility and Assisted Reproduction" & 30th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility…

Debate Competition

"अप्रतिमप्रज्ञा" प्रतिस्पर्धा - 2019: For holistic development of students, at IIST,IIP,IIMR Campus “Debate Competition” has been organized and given exposure to the 11th & 12th class students. debate5 debate2 (1) debate1 debate4 debate3

PPT Competition

"अप्रतिमप्रज्ञा" प्रतिस्पर्धा - 2019: For holistic development of students, at IIST,IIP,IIMR Campus  “POWER POINT PRESENTATION COMPETITION” has been organized and given exposure to the 11th & 12th class students. ppt3 ppt2 ppt1 ppt4

Innovative Projects/Model Competition

"अप्रतिम प्रज्ञा" प्रतिस्पर्धा – 2019:  For holistic development of students, at IIST,IIP,IIMR Campus,  “Innovative Projects/Model Competition” for young scientists has been organized and given exposure to the  11th & 12th class students. InnovativeProjects10 InnovativeProjects9 InnovativeProjects6 InnovativeProjects12 InnovativeProjects7 InnovativeProjects1 InnovativeProjects11 InnovativeProjects8 InnovativeProjects3 InnovativeProjects5 InnovativeProjects4 InnovativeProjects2

Coninuning in education program

A 3 days “Coninuning in education program” (CEP) for pharmacy teachers was organized by Indore Institute of Pharmacy from 1st to 3rd September with an objective of enhancing level of teaching and learning in pharmacy education. The theme for this year’s CEP was “Challenges and Opportunities to pharmacy teachers”. This CEP program was completely sponsored…

Green Wave Club Activity: Tree Plantation

A club named green waves was introduced for the students of IIST, IIP and IIMR. Motive of Green Wave Club is to provide an opportunity to students to do something positive for the community and the environment by connecting with nature. An activity “Tree Plantation” was held in which students of IIST, IIP and IIMR…

An Energizing & Refreshing Session of Zumba

‘An Energizing & Refreshing Session of Zumba ’ was organized by the Expert Trainers who guided & mentored students and staff of IIST, IIP and IIMR.