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  • TCS Academic Interface Program
  • Faculty development programs are conducted along with internship for participating students. IIST regularly conducts workshops by TCS and gets professional trainers to address students in its classrooms. TCS instructors deliver training in a lecture and classroom format as a demonstration with the opportunity for learners to practice utilizing electronic tools. IIST offers a unique advantage of a TCS certified program


  • IIT Delhi Virtual Lab
  • IIST is the nodal center for virtual lab. Virtual Labs is a project initiated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology. The project aims to provide remote-access to Laboratories in various disciplines of science and engineering for students at all levels from under-graduate to research

    It also intends to develop a complete Learning Management System where the students can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self-evaluation. There is also a component wherein costly equipment and resources are shared, that are otherwise available to only a limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances. Seven IIT’s (Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee and Guwahati), IIIT Hyderabad, Amrita University, Dayalbagh University, NIT Karnataka, and College of Engineering, Pune, are the institutions participating in the project. The Project intends to cover physical sciences, chemical science and various branches of engineering like electronics and communications, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, biotechnology engineering and civil engineering.

  • IIT Mumbai E-Yantra
  • An initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded systems engineers with a practical outlook to help provide practical solutions to some of the real world problems.
    It aims to spread education in embedded systems and Robotics. Also, helps in better performance at Robotics competitions such as the e-Yantra Robotics Competition with trainings done at IIST campus.

  • IIT Madras Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education (QEEE)
  • QEEE program uses real time and synchronous technology to allow for an integration of superior external scholastic inputs into current pedagogical practices. QEEE has got Live Classes wherein IIT faculty delivers live lecture classes to participating colleges. The schedule of lectures are sent to colleges and notifications are provided before start of each session. It also includes Course pack of supplement study material with lecture notes, live class videos, discussion forums, assessment and evaluation tools to serve as a reference material for QEEE courses. Live Labs are conducted to provide virtual hands-on experience to students on experiments undertaken remotely. It creates an opportunity to work on a real lab experiment tailored to suit their syllabus and curriculum.
    Bridge Programs are administered to bridge the gap between the initial skills of individuals and what they need to enter and succeed in post secondary education and career-path employment.


  • IIT Mumbai Spoken Tutorial
  • The Spoken Tutorial project is an initiative of the ‘Talk to a Teacher’ activity of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT), launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Government of India. Objective is to pass on the knowledge of technology and free and open source software (FOSS) to the millions in our countrymen who lack opportunities and/or access to learn any software.

  • IIST tie up with Princeton Review, USA
  • IIST has tied up with The Princeton Review, USA for hands on training of students for Higher Studies in foreign countries. The objectives of the MoU are to encourage the bright students of IIST to pursue Post Graduation aboard. Also, it aims to promote training activities for the IIST students. IIST & The Princeton Review will conduct seminars on current trends & developments in the area of Higher Education.

  • EMC² Center for Academic Excellence
  • IIST is the academic partner of EMC² Academic Alliance program for their training programs. EMC² Academic Alliance program, a collaboration with colleges and universities worldwide, conducts curriculum-based education on technology topics such as virtualization, cloud computing, big data analytics, and information storage and management.

    The global program is geared towards arming students with the knowledge necessary to differentiate themselves in the job market and improve their competitive advantage. EMC² Corporation is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Massachusetts, United States. EMC² sells data storage, information security, virtualization, analytics, cloud computing and other products and services that enable businesses to store, manage, protect, and analyze data.

  • Visual Paradigm, Hong Kong Association
  • We are now the academic partner of Visual Paradigm, Hong Kong. Under this agreement, we can download and use all the software modeling and software design tools free of cost.
    IIST is the very first institute in Indore and among very few in India to have this collaboration. Visual Paradigm’s software has been adopted by many organizations in the world, including Fortune 500 companies. A lab is set up to teach software modeling using Visual Paradigm software. Faculties are getting knowledge, hands-on experience on the technologies and software applications that are used worldwide.

  • Google Classroom
  • Towards complete automation of academic activities, we are using Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a blended learning platform for us that aims to simplify, creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. It is a free learning management system. Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments, including time-saving features like the ability to automatically make a copy of a Google document for each student. It also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized.

  • Baja
  • Baja event was held from 17th – 21st Feb 2016 at Pithampur. IIST’s Team Vijayrath won the “Pride of Indore” award including an amount of Rs 1 Lac

  • EC Council Academia, USA
  • The association aims to deliver information and security skills to improve career and economic opportunities. The program offered at IIST is Certified Ethical Hacker (for students of IT, CS & EC), it incorporates a 40 hour training module at IIST. IIST is the only training partner for the program in Indore

  • IBM Academic Initiative.
  • Faculties are getting knowledge, hands-on experience on the technologies and software applications that are used worldwide. Extensive expertise, teaching assets, and community resources to develop world-class curricula. No-charge access to IBM software, hardware, technology, and tools. Extended Bluemix-trial access for qualifying courses through the Academic Initiative for Cloud offer.
    Skill-building opportunities ranging from IBM and ecosystem events to student competitions.
    The Academic Initiative offers a wide range of professionally developed course ware to help teach students using IBM and open-source products and technologies. This course ware listing is organized by teaching topics that align with academic curricula. An IBM Academic Initiative lab is started to handle and implement IBM AI program

  • NASSCOM Global Business Foundation Skills (GBFS) & Foundation Skills in IT (FSIT) courses
  • It improves the Industry readiness of students who want to start a career in BPM companies. The program is of 160 hour duration & delivered over 20 -24 weeks. NASSCOM has recognized IIST as NASSCOM training center in Indore

  • BSNL Tie-up
  • Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) and IIST signed a Memorandum of Understanding for providing vocational training to IIST engineering students. As per MoU, BSNL CTTC will conduct seminars on emerging technology at IIST. BSNL will also provide technical support to student for project work. Trainees will visit the telephone exchange and transmission centre. Training happens at BSNL center (50 – 150 hours schedule) & is certified training from BSNL. This improves importance of academic program and employability of student.

  • Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)
  • We have incorporated MOOCs in the classes. A massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions between students & professors. MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education.

  • NPTEL Tie up:
  • NPTEL has been offering self-study courses across engineering, humanities and science streams for more than a decade. These are available at: http://nptel.a From March 2014 NPTEL has been offering online certification for its courses, the highlight being the certification exam through which the student gets an opportunity to earn a certificate from the IIT.

    The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a project funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), provides e-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Sciences, Technology, Management and Humanities. This is a joint initiative by seven IITs and IISc Bangalore. Other selected premier institutions also act as Associate Partner Institutions. NPTEL is a curriculum building exercise and is directed towards providing learning materials in science and engineering by adhering to the syllabi of All India Council for Technical Education and the slightly modified curricula of major affiliating Universities. It has developed curriculum based video courses and web-based e-courses targeting students and faculty of institutions offering UG engineering programs. NPTEL videos are proposed to be transmitted per subject by the concerning subject teacher as per the syllabus.