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  • Your Appearance introduces you before you SPEAK!

    Imagine… you entering a store.There are two salespersons; one of them is dressed casually with messy shoes and tousled hair. The other one in formal wear, polished shoes, with a lookbefitting his job requirements. Whom would you approach first?…

    …EXACTLY!The one who pleases your eyes. Because presentable is always enchanting to the eyes and mind. It showcases manoeuvre of a mind.Being presentable makes an individual more confidentwith aplomb to present his/her thoughts and ideas.Anelegant person always stands out in a crowd

    People confuse themselves by relating tobeing dapperby showcasing luxury brands, which is totally a wrong belief.Crisp clothing, decent haircut, polished shoes makes a person more charming, no matter what brand you wear. Remember, it’s the man who makes the brand.

    Assessing the market dynamics, companies prefer candidates who are intelligent, well informed and presentable. In every job description, being presentable is one of the important criteria of consideration. The manner in which you dress-up before an important meeting or interviewis substantial. Looks don’t matter, it’s about how you carry yourself.

    Barbara Pachter, a renowned etiquette coach beautifully quoted;


    “Everyone draws their lines differently,”


    check out the points mentioned below, before you leave for a meeting/interview (or even a date😉):


    Be spotless:

    Whether it’s your clothing or accessories make sure they should be clean and fresh. Crisp and well fitted clothes makes a person look more professional and decent. Check your shoes and double check your hairstyle before you enter the meeting/interview room.


    Personal hygiene:

    Staying hygienic keeps you healthy. It is very crucial for every person tomaintain personal hygiene all the time. It includes a clean-shaven look, decent haircut, trimmed nails, and cleanliness. Don’t forget to carry a handkerchief.

    Body odour:

    Smell good. Do not sweat (use a deodorant if needed). You could use a body cologne to smell fresh.Avoid strong fragrances. At times, people are allergic to some particular fragrances.So, wear your perfume smartly. Use mints to avoid bad breath. Body odour & bad breath is a big turn-off.

     Tune-in the Accessories:

    Match your accessories according to the colour and look you carry. It’s simple,brown goes with brown and grey with black. Pastel shades of grey, brown and blue are always a smart choice for a special day at work. Girls, avoid heavy make-ups and jewelleries. Don’t forget, Subtle is the new glitter.

     Lace it before you face it:

    Always choose your footwear sensibly. Avoid matching casual or sports shoes with formal attire. A pair of oxford shoes goes well with all formal looks. Girls, avoid high heels.

    Other than the above-mentioned points, do not forget to mind your body language, be on time and look like a person with purpose.

     & Lastly, wear A Smile:

    A smile can take you miles. Carry the aura that deems a second look.

     All the BEST!!!

    Rahul rai Nigam

    Rahul is a certified NLP Practitioner, Timeline Therapist, Counsellor, and a strong training professional with a Master’s in Business Administration focused in Marketing-HR, Graduation in Hotel Management & Diplomas in Event Management, Public Relations & French Language. Having an experience of more than 8 Years working with hospitality, events, media, IT, and education sector. He is working with IIST group of institutions as a Counsellor & Trainer.

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