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  • What Kind of Leaders Will the Millennials Turn Out to Be?

    Most of the conversations in the business world are often centered on the ever-changing behaviors, needs, and characteristics of the current and future employee bases. For quite some time now, the focus of the companies has been lying on looking to understand their potential hires better, and in turn, how those employees will impact the organization. When discussing the potential of future employees, the subject of the millennials is bound to arise. Why we are saying so is because studies have reported that in less than two years, the millennials will become the largest part of the employee demographics. Besides since over thousands of people from the Baby Boomer generation retire every day, the millennials are also quickly advancing in the ranks of leadership as well.

    The millennials are all set to bring a sea change in the way of working and viewing leadership in the organizations. In fact, they are the ones, who prefer the word ‘leader’ over the term ‘boss,’ as someone who directs and leads, rather than commands and orders. The days are long gone when the boss held the role of somewhat of a dictator, disconnected from the rest of the employees, sitting and ordering from somewhere in his corner office. As the organizations embrace the millennial evolution that is shaping the world, the new leadership styles are being welcomed and appreciated, instead of being deemed as ineffective or unnecessary. The millennial leaders are all set to be innovative, empathetic, and unique game-changers in the business world. Here’s taking a look at the kind of leaders that the millennials are going to turn out to be.

    Innovative Leaders

    Thinking outside the box is not just another term for the millennials; it is more of a way of thinking and functioning for them, and they also implement the principles of innovation when they hire their recruits. In fact, the millennial leaders expect the same levels of innovation from their employees as they themselves offer. The innovative leaders have their focus on the big picture with an inherent understanding that in order to achieve the next big thing, there is a crucial need for risk-taking. We are more likely to find fewer processes and protocols happening under the leadership of an innovator, and instead, a continuous strive towards assessing how success can come out of unorthodox approaches will take the lead.

    Incorporative Leaders

    The incorporative leaders ensure the overall success and happiness of their employees, and, are invested both professionally and personally in their team members. They take a keen interest in getting to know their team better, what their ultimate goals are, and how they, as leaders, can help the employees in achieving these goals. The millennials, as incorporative leaders, are more like mentors to the team rather than a domineering figure and they continuously aim to drive this message among the employees through continuous motivation and company training sessions, on behalf of the company. The decisions taken in such a company are always through the combined brainstorming and agreement between the leader and his team, and the credit for the success of the ideas is also given equally to all.

    Empathetic Leaders

    The millennials are the flag bearers for bringing in empathy to leadership, and the companies are highly appreciative and welcoming to this stand being taken by them. The ability to understand and listen to the employees ultimately improves the workplace culture leading to higher productivity and, in turn, greater success for the organization. The empathetic leaders never fail to keep themselves in the shoes of their teammates and think from their point of view. They empathize with their shortcomings and difficulties and believe in working together to solve the issues arising out of it.

    Leaders who are committed to Diversity

    The millennial leaders are consistently on the lookout for diversity that will lead to significant strides for their organization. They come with the ability to look beyond the standard outlets for new recruits and successfully hire people from all walks of life. The millennials as leaders come with the innate understanding that with diversity come fresh perspectives. They also come with the belief that diversity only enhances the growth and culture of an organization.

    We, at Indore Institute, believe that the process of creating leaders begins from the very first day of their college education. This is where the foundation for their future professional life is laid. Through our world class infrastructural facilities, our experienced and dedicated group of mentors, and with the hand-holding support from our expert panel of management, we, at the Indore Institute, recognized as one among the best colleges in MP, have always strived to bring forth the vibrant and robust leaders of tomorrow that the country can be proud of. The proof of the success of our methods lies in the fact that many of our alumni are presently working in the lead roles in some of the top organizations nationally and internationally. We are certain of the fact that the success figures of the achievements of our students are only going to rise higher up in the future.

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