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  • The Best Paying Job Profiles in the Management Domain

    • July 11, 2018
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • 0 Comment
    • Best Management Colleges in Indore Top 10 Management Colleges in Indore Top Management Colleges in Indore

    The field of management is almost like a time-lapsed video playing around the clock where constant evolution and reformation of dynamic aspects are taking place. The trends and paradigms of the management industry are undergoing constant modification and have presented anentirely new platform to today’s business management professionals. With the increased digitalization, emerging management styles, andnewly introduced management job positions, the industry of management hasleft the management career seekers with endless positive choices.

    There are a variety of fields in the management industry each with a distinctive set of roles and responsibilities. Every management job is different, offering lucrative packages in dynamic ranges with long-term stability.If you are planning to pursue a career in the same field or relevant and require a clear idea about where you will actually be heading to, take a look at the most sought-after and highest paying management jobs in the current platform of business management.

    Computer and Information Systems Manager

    Technology is the backbone of almost every organization in today’s time and is also one of the highest payingarenas in the management profession that has been leading the job market. Computer and Information Systems Managers,also referred to as Information Technology(IT) Managers,plan, coordinate, and organize the computer or technology-based activities used to run an organization. The IT managers are also responsible for sufficing the crucial technical requirements of organizations. They often make use of complex software like Gantt chart, Smart sheet, Clarizen to appropriately determine and confirm that the requirements are precisely met. Many IT managers are also responsible for supervising the tasks of IT employees. Other than that, they can work in any field as managers that are based on technology. The average yearly salary figure for an IT manager is USD 145,740.

    Architectural and Engineering Manager

    Owing to the rapid infrastructural development of the nation, Architectural and Engineering Managers have emerged among the most sought-after profiles in the current times. These management professionals work with architectures and engineers to plan, coordinate, and oversee projects in the engineering field. Their responsibilities includeintroducing new products and designs and detecting technical faults in projects. However, the most crucial function of an Architectural and Engineering Manager is to control and prepare the entire budget of the projects including the cost of the core and miscellaneous equipment. Engineering managers also needed to supervise employees involved in the projects and instruct and direct them appropriately. There are specific domain-centric skills required for this position. The median salary for an Architectural and Engineering Manager is USD 143,870 per year.

    Natural Sciences Manager

    Natural Sciences Manager is one of the most interesting job profiles in the management field. It includes working with scientists, chemists, biologists, physicists, and analysts in various specializations. These professionals plan, organize, and administrate the roles and responsibilities of scientists for faster and better execution of processes. Natural Sciences Managers need to effectively collaborate and coordinate with raw material suppliers, contractors, and other executives, apart from supervising the responsibilities of scientists. Natural Sciences Managers earn an average remuneration of USD 136,150 per annum.

    Public Relations/Fundraising Manager

    PR or Fundraising Managers plan and organize programs that create a standard reputation and image of the organization. The primary responsibility of these managers is to connect the organization to its customers, audiences, and clients in an integrated way for the benefit of both parties. Public Relations or Fundraising Managers act as the primary thread between the organization and consumers and utilize mediums like fundraising events, media, press releases, and more.

    Public relations managers possess excellent communication skills, soft skills, and most importantly people skills. These professionals have a great understanding of customer-psyche and demands to connect to them on a different level. They are responsible for continually developing new strategies and plans to improve the existing methodologies. PR management is one of the most sought-after professions on a global level in today’s century as it leverages the option to be creative and methodical at the same time. PR or fundraising managers can earn up to USD 123,360 per annum.

    However, all said and done, today’s highly competitive business management industry demands professionals who possess capabilities to take up more significant responsibilities, challenges, and most importantly strong foundational acumen. A full-fledged degree in management is the foremost benchmark when it comes to getting hired by the creams of organizations with a lucrative salary package and complete job security. This is where you can put your trust on the Indore Institute of Management and Research (IIMR), which is one among the top 10 MBA colleges in Indore.IIMR is considered to be the pioneer in management education recognized for its education impartation system which is based on modern discipline and excellence-driven culture.

    We, at the Indore Institute, utilize a highly industry-oriented course curriculum that is loaded with soft skills training, digital skills training, and language training. We emphasize all aspects and areas of interests of our students to not only impart education but to help them recognizetheir key potentials and polish the same in the finest way possible. We are proud to state that IIMR has been the cornerstone for several successful professionals leading the business industry today and we look forward to bestowing many more young minds with the best of management education in the times to come.

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