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  • Patents Represent The Most Important Single Source of Technical

    • June 25, 2020
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • 0 Comment
    • indore medical college medical college in indore private medical college in indore

    Patents represent the most important single source of technical information within the world and it’s growing steadily. Newly published patent applications are often the primary sign of the latest products and processes and offer the primary indication of which markets a specific company is getting into . Many patents are not any longer effective and thus represent “free technology” which may be legitimately copied. the extent of patent activity of particular companies can show who the leading innovators therein field are. Checking through existing patents during a similar discipline can assist you to draft a replacement application.

    3.3 Million Patent filed around the world in the year of 2018 it’s about 5.2 % above the 2017 figure. robust growth of +7.5% was sawn in India patent fillings, even trademark filling increased by +20.9%. In 2018 in worldwide IP filings China as a global leader, China grew its patent filing activities by 11.6%, trademarks by 28.3% and Industrial designs by 12.7%. The IP office of China filled quite a half global trademark (51.4%) and industrial design (54%) and about 46.4% of patent filings. In 2018 The us of America (U.S.) patent filings fall by 1.6% it had been the first time since 2009. In 2018 Japan Patent filing declined by 1.5% and trademark by 8.6%, In the Republic of Korea patent filing increased by +2.5% and trademark filing by +14.5%.

    Among the highest 20 offices, 13 had a greater number of patent applications in 2018 than in 2017. the most important increases were in China, Hong Kong SAR (+20.2%), China (+11.6%), Singapore (+8.4%), and India (+7.5%).

    The property (IP) offices of China (90.4%), Germany (68.7%), Japan (80.9%), the Republic of Korea (77.4%), and therefore Russia (65.7%) received the majority of their applications from resident applicants. In contrast, Australia (90.8%), Canada (88%), and India (67.5%) reported a high share of non-resident filings.

    The office of India granted 12.3% more patients in 2018. Among 10 selected offices, India, the U.K., and the U.S. granted patents for fewer than 35% of all applications processed in 2018 of the highest 20 offices, 16 had higher levels of trademark filing activity in 2018 than in 2017, seven of which recorded growth exceeding 10%. the most important increases were in Indonesia (+29.1%) and China (+28.3%), followed by India (+20.9%), the Republic of Korea (+14.5%), and therefore the U.K. (+12.4%).

    At a time when countries are striving to succeed in the goals and therefore the world is shaping a replacement global development agenda. it’ll recognize not just for value , but also increasingly for the role in producing new creative ideas or technologies, and their social benefits.

    It is vital for the fashionable world to motivate the innovators and practitioners of the creative economy so as to market and preserve the cultural diversity and heritage of all humanity. because it contributes to the creation of jobs, empowering youth and ladies also as addressing the challenges of social inclusion.

    Patents provide a stimulus and assure the possibility of investment in Research and Development. Without investment, Medical College in Indore it’s impossible to possess an efficient Research and Development programme. A healthy patent strategy is a key to scientific progress

    • Gaurav Sarsodia
    • Indore Institute of Pharmacy, Indore

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