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International Conference on Advances in Cutting-Edge Engineering and Technology (ACET-25)
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  • The Vitality of Industry Exposure for Engineering Students

    “The only way you can reach your full potential is if you open up and allow yourself to be exposed to reality; real experiences.” ― TurcoisOminek Industry exposure plays.

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  • Personality Development is the Key to Make Your Mark in an Interview

    When it comes to cracking the interviews or leaving a distinctive mark on the interview board with performance, the key determinant often becomes the way an aspirant deals with.

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  • Engineering Technology Trends to Watch for in 2019

    Engineering is a domain of study that connects the fine threads of innovation and evolution together. It has been one of the renowned means for bridging up the bridge.

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  • How is AI Impacting the Trends in the Management Industry?

    If our era is the next industrial revolution, as many claims, Artificial Intelligence is surely one of its driving forces. The marvels of artificial intelligence are wide-spreading and influencing.

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  • Unleashing the Power of Flipped Classroom Learning Methodology

    Flexibility in learning is necessary in order to keep your goals consistent. The goals and ambitions are best accomplished when you unleash the true art of learning. We live.

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  • The Significance of Practical Learning and its Connection with Employability

    Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin This is how the human brain tends to function. A.

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  • Skill-Oriented Education can boost the Employability of the Nation’s Youth

    ‘Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Proficiency is, not putting it in a fruit salad.” – Anonymous The statement above beautifully defines the fine line between.

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  • Quality Assurance – A Lucrative Career for Pharma Students

    Pharmacy is a domain that can be termed as the backbone of the healthcare industry. The cure and treatment of any aliment primarily depend on the proper administration of.

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  • What Makes the IT Program at IIST the Best in its Class

    Information technology is a domain and a stream of studies that has made overwhelming progress over the last few decades, and the impact it has made on each and.

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  • Why is Technical Knowledge Taking Over as a Prerequisite for Management Aspirants?

    Management has always been and will always remain one of the most sought-after domains in terms of career options. However, as far as the skills and knowledge required to.

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