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  • Innovative Engineering Solutions Devised to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • September 7, 2021
    • Posted By : sysadmin
    • 0 Comment

    The outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic changed the entire scenario worldwide. A lot of random abruptions cropped up, and life everywhere came to a standstill. The world has been undergoing a tough time ever since. But no matter how many challenges the pandemic threw into the path of mankind, humans have always strived to come over even stronger. Be it the medical staff, the engineers, or the educationists, everybody came together to put their best foot forward to fight against the pandemic. So today, we, at the Indore Institute of Science & Technology, positioned among the Top Ten Engineering Colleges in MP, have brought forth for you a list of some of the best innovative engineering solutions that have been put forth by the skilled engineers of our country as well as abroad to beat the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Automatic Mask Machines

    One of the innovative and creative engineering solutions invented to fight coronavirus infection is manufacturing the automatic mask machine. In order to ensure that masks and other sanitary products need not be imported from other countries, our Indian engineers came up with their own innovative idea of producing mask machines. According to reports, India has had the highest record of Covid cases compared to the rest of the world. Since almost half of India’s population comprises the poor, who could not afford to buy the recommended N95 masks, the engineers of our nation devised an automatic mask machine for manufacturing the masks at a low cost. The aim was to enable the people to have easy and affordable access to these masks and protect themselves well.

    Low-Cost Portable Ventilators

    India is one of the many developing countries. As such, resources might not always be available to help the needy in crucial times like this and have to be imported to meet the needs. This adds up to the costs and makes things costly and unaffordable for many. This is why various teams of engineers came forward and developed low-cost portable ventilators to not only ease the financial pressure on the patients but also help meet the oxygen crisis that arose in the country. These ventilators could deliver approximately 600-700 ml of air per breath and 16-18 breaths per minute, as prescribed for the patients suffering from COVID-19.

    Affordable PPE Kits

    A team of Indian engineers has developed low-cost PPE kits that are made up of polyethylene and can be easily manufactured in any small to medium-scale industrial setting. The innovation came up just in time when there was a severe shortage of PPE kits in the market. Moreover, the existing kits at that time were too high in cost and were unable to meet the growing demand. The PPE kits designed by the talented lot of engineers were created in such a way that they not only provide the needed protection but also cost substantially low, even less than INR 100.

    COVID-19 Drive-Through Testing

    One of the best innovative engineering solutions that have been designed to fight against Covid-19 is the installation of drive-through testing centers. This enables people to get tested for Coronavirus while sitting right in their car, and the reports are then emailed or texted to the person. The method is not only quick and convenient but also enhances safety during the process.

    Closing Thoughts

    We, at the Indore Institute of Science & Technology, one among the Top Ten Engineering Colleges in MP, strongly believe that yes, the COVID 19 pandemic did take the entire world into its clasp, but thanks to the skilled engineers and other creative minds who came up with their innovative solutions to the problem. These engineers upped their innovative games to aid the mankind to stand strong against the pandemic. And now that the world is keeping up with “the new normal” – that is, wearing masks, using sanitizers, and maintaining social distance, let’s hope that Coronavirus leaves the face of the earth soon and the globe goes back to being “the old yet beautiful world” that we all are pining for.

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