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  • Career Opportunities: AI Supported Automobile Sector

    Digital transformation is demand of recent automotive industry for successful survival in competitive world. This is based on your response as per the customer trend which has shifted on the safety level along with the reliable performance. This is also proved that artificial intelligence is changing automotive industry instantly. AI Implementation requires immense investment which results only 10% automotive giants adopted AI for automation in 2019.Remaining are considering AI in their core design to adopt but it is not happening for the same. So, experts observed opportunistic gap in the vehicle systems of the industries.

    AI Enable Software for Automobiles

    Automation in advanced vehicle system is feasible through AI techniques.AI-driven vehicles assistance expectation is increasing at huge level in the market which is increasing healthy competition among industries. This AI assistance is feasible with the use of several minor or major higher degree of freedom sensors which is specialised for their quick response in case of emergency for vehicle’s control system. It’s lucratively implementation in navigation filed is accepted while human comfort is also achieved for adjusting window glass positions and mirror adjustment etc.

    AI suggested Maintenance Prediction

    In modern era of automation, AI suggested PM is proposed by experts for automobiles. AI counted it’s significant presence in field of maintenance of vehicles. AI enables to predict the maintenance requirement before the failure which can also reduce the chances of sudden shut down of plant.AI assures the reliability of maximum performance of the plant.

    AI Enables Four Wheeler Manufacturing

    AI extended itself into the vehicle manufacturing. This proposed the changes in the time bounded repetitive work by use of robots which replaced the human efforts. Those robots are enough capable to maintain the high accuracy adverse human condition and also avoids the chances of human injury.AI robots are also involved in the defect detection in components and notify the quality person. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) are also introduced in the plants for maintaining the movement of raw and finished products within the plant by identifying objects ,fixe the optimized route and deliver to various sections of plant.

    AI Enables Supply Chain management

    Artificial intelligence is also involved in inventory control and forecast production demand. This intelligently estimates the space utilization of warehouse which is used to store raw material and finished product. It also suggest about best loading or unloading solution for specific object in the plant. AI also ensures quality outgoing from the warehouse by implementing automated checking of parcel, visual check on parcels or receipts and monitored counting of parcels. Artificial intelligent Chatboats are now very common in industries for customer response against any query.

    AI Suggested Automotive Insurance Claim System

    In current scenario, AI facilitated to notify the drivers about the real time risk factors during journey and accelerate the accident claim through reduced filing process. It also considers past and present factors of events or accidents of specific driver. In this view, one Chinese company introduced an app Dingsunbao 2.0 in automotive sector for self assessment against vehicle damage as per the insurance companies claim adjustment data.

    AI Software for Driver Guiding and Control with Human Comfort

    Perfect vision and backside notification is also arranged in new vehicles with implementation of AI based software. During driving the vehicle, it also notify you about ideal human comfort condition though automated seat adjustment, mirror adjustment, temperature and humidity adjustment. On a very long driving, it also alarms you for eye opening in case of lethargic condition. It also helps you out during the accident situation by automated opening air bags as per detection of upper body position





    Market Growth in Future

    Last but not least, artificial intelligence is increasing in the automotive sector and also creating the job opportunities in this sector exponentially.AI has been increasingly used in the automotive industry to boost the safety features in the vehicles. As per the automotive artificial intelligence market outlook – 2025, optimistic future market is size of AI-Automotive estimated as $8,887.6 million by 2025 with compound annual growth rate of 45.0% between 2018 to 2025 (Author: Chandani Poddar).This prediction is also supported by Ms Preeti Wadhwani team in their report as it crossed USD 1 billion in 2019 and will also grow by 35% compound annual growth rate between 2020 and 2026.Ford announced about their investment of $4 billion in AI based vehicle by 2023.Similarly,GM will also spend $100 million while Toyota established a new company worth of $2.8 billion (Author:
    Carmen Reinicke).


    Career opportunities with Skill Requirements

    This field open so many career opportunities in automotive sector plant  and vehicle wise through AI are like Autonomous Vehicle Engineer – Perception, Embedded Software Engineer, Model Based Development Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Operations Engineer – Autonomous Vehicles, AI Functional Safety Engineer, Data Engineer-Engine Testing and Data Engineer-Vehicle Performance, Operations Engineer – Autonomous Warehouse management & inventory control, Operations Engineer- factory scheduling and production planning etc.

    Plant optimization through AI, a mechanical engineer involves in monitoring the production processes in the plant, in tool development to optimize the production strategy and also in optimizing system for material flow. Ultimate aim of this position is to optimize production process. This position requires the knowledge as follows:

    • Industrial engineering-Optimization Techniques, Inventory Control-Material Flow
    • Python or Matlab,
    • Machine learning or Neural Network
    • Project Management,
    • Quality Assurance Techniques.

    Artificial intelligent vehicle’s job requirements are divided into two parts as firstly AI implementation on performance while autonomy of vehicle secondly. It is field near about to mechatronics to data analysis, data handling and program deployment in microcontroller. It propose some advancement in the arms of mechanical, computer, electronics and mathematical engineers. This position requires the knowledge as follows:

    • Mechanical engineering –Thermal, mechanics and operation research
    • Python /Matalb
    • Programming in Micro-controller

    Data analysis-Machine Learning and Computer Vision

    (Original Author: Nataly Havrysh How AI Has Been Сhanging the Automotive Industry”,Data source authors cited in the article.)


    Dr D V Singh

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