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  • 5 Non-Business Lessons That Your MBA Degree Can Teach You

    Management education is not all about business knowledge. Instead, it encompasses some of the significant aspects associated with becoming a true leader over time. What leading business schools do differently is that they prepare their curriculum in such a manner that it aids the development of the academic skills as well as the qualitative efficiencies of the students to helpthemtransform into a perfect manager. At Indore Institute of Management, one of the Best MBA Colleges in Madhya Pradesh,we help the students learn and grow beyond textbook education and help them gain an edge over others by augmenting their learned knowledge with soft skill training and industry exposure. Here are the 5 lessons that our management students are imparted with at IIMR over the academic sessions of the MBA course:

    Learning to be Humble

    Being a manager never means that you can behave with people around you in whatever way you wish to. An MBA course teaches you to be smart yet humble. It is essential for a manager to win the confidence of his/her team and make them obey his/her commands willingly and not forcibly. As far as obedience is concerned, undisputed respect and faith build the same, and if you show respect to others, you will always get the same in return. There is no other way of gaining respect and confidence of your team than givingequal respect to them. Hence, learning to be humble is an essential part of your grooming as a manager.


    When you become a manager, you handle a team of several people belonging to different working patterns, schedules, and mental orientations. Hence, it becomes critical that you acquire sufficient knowledge regarding how to manage a team and how to handle teamwork. Management studies necessarily embody this aspect within its periphery to ensure effective education leading to a successful career. We, at the Indore Institute of Management & Research, keep organizing workshops and activities from time to time to help in brushing up the team management skills of our management students.

    Valuing Time

    As a manager of an organization, you will be responsible for handling multiple projects at the same time with each having separate deadlines of submission. It is critical for your career graph to maintain a steady ascend, and the same can be ensured by the timely delivery of the works allocated to you. Hence, we, at IIMR, always strive to teach our management students the importance of time and time management so that it aids their transformation into efficient managers over time.

    Learning to be a Leader

    When you know that a team of several qualified people would be working under your instruction, a sense of superiority is likely to develop in your mind, which should carefully be avoided and turned into a sense of leadership to emerge as an efficient manager. Good managers are always those who are good leaders. An MBA program at IIMR will prepare you to become a leader rather than a manager, and a leader is someone who can set examples before the team and make them work accordingly. At Indore Institute, students are groomed to become a leader through exposure to relevant seminars, compelling course works, and real-life experiences that impart them with valuable knowledge of getting things done with the given tools and equipment instead of complaining about the entitlements.


    Managers are required to be good orators. MBA Colleges in Madhya Pradesh If you have an excellent idea in your mind that you think can be productive for the business if implemented well, you need to commute the same to your team and higher management effectively, which demands you to be perfect with your communication. Being a management professional, you will also be required to attend the meeting with clients, investors, and delegates, where you need to be prompt enough with your communication skills. At IIMR, we have included training in communication and soft skill attributesas an integrated element of our MBA program curriculum.

    We, at Indore Institute of Management& Research, care to build up managers of tomorrow who not only excel in the academic domain but also outclass others in terms of qualitative grooming. The virtues that are essential to be adopted as a manager are taught with special attention and via separate classes to ensure a bright career for all management students of ours.

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