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  • The Booming Role of Technology in HR Management

    It’s not that we use technology, we literally live technology. _ Godfrey Reggio

    The evolving trends of lifestyle and retail,the emergence ofrobotics and AI as the changing face of business, and the internet becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow  – these are all the inevitable signs that the world knows nothing significant than ‘Technology’ today. With the rolling of time, the world is becoming more and morereliant on the boons of technology that has its outlets spread to almost every aspect of human life as well as the businessworld. Today, there is not a single industry that has not been influenced by technological innovation. From the print media, engineering, medical, music, to travel, the entire industrial landscapehas been impacted by technology.

    However, as per the evidences and researches, it has been revealed that if there is one professional domain that has been radically and drastically changed from day to night after the emergence of an array of specific technologiescomprising productivity and software tools, CRM systems, financial accounting applications, and inventory control systems, it has to be none other but HR. HR management is one of the key facets of modern business organizationsthat haverevolutionized the most in terms of its working and operations. Nearly 70% of business outcomes and success depend on the functionality of HRM. Hence, it is no wonder that the arena is becoming more and more reliant on innovation, tools, and technology to meet the rising needs of the business.

    HRM Undergoing a Paradigm Shift with the Emergence of High-end Technological Solutions

    In the business world, the sector of HRM possesses one of the most intricate tasks, and it is so, mainly because it deals with the most important resource of business that is ‘people.’ Technology is considered a massive advantage in that case in order to help the HR professionals turn much more accurate, time-savvy and productive with their recruiting formalities and other chores.

    As per the recent technological survey of PwC HR, nearly about50% of the 400 plus enterprises that have been surveyed globally shows that they have their core Human Resource applications in the cloud.Besides, various business surveys have also revealed that organizations using HR solutions save about 15% of their annual expenditure on training costs by reducing substantial attrition rates.

    The Most Trending Technologies Used in Modern Human Resource

    Today’s human resource management system is heavily equipped with high-end recruiting strategies, tools, and solutions more than ever before. This is helping organizations to save big when it comes to manual labor expenditures, and particularly the time they spend on recruiting purposes. The traditional approach of intuition-based hiring is slowly being erased with the AI-based hiring software and automation, and the results of the latter have been found to be far better than the former one.

    Here is a cream list of the top trending recruiting technologies and strategiesthat the twenty-first-century businesses are investing and banking on:

    • 360 Degree Digital Recruitment Process
    • Talent Management Software
    • Cloud Technology
    • Talent Acquisition Software
    • Candidate-Centered Hiring Approaches
    • AI and Big Data Analytics
    • Gamification Techniques

    Though technology has been really benefitting the HR domain, and most businessesare propelling into greater attainments and multidimensional successes with the help of the leading recruiting technologies, it still competitively lacks the right hands to operate the advancing HR technologies. The demand for skilled, and more importantly,tech-savvy HR professionals,is day by day rising in today’s HR management industry. In this light, the Indore Institute of Management and Research, one among the Top b-schools in Madhya Pradesh, has carved its management program in such a way that it makes the students attain in-depth understanding as well as exposure to the latest technology trends affecting the domain.The skill-based program helps students learn the best of digitaltools, advanced strategies encompassing A-Z business, operational,and recruiting needs that are relevant to modern industry work practices. Join the management program at IIMR to emerge as a trustworthy management leader in today’scompetitiveworld.

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