HR is increasingly expected to be the torch bearers of “Change” and help organization navigate the “New World of Work”. If any organizational function has transformed the most in the last three decades, it is what we call HR today. More than radical advancements in technology, we are talking about the huge shift in knowledge and attitude of what people management means relative to business growth and development. It’s from here that a paradigm shift has been witnessed. From the supporting welfare role, HR has moved a long way to deliver strategic decisions on how to run a business. During this transition, we are also witnessing a Gap between what HR is expecting while talent acquisitions and what the institutions are offering. This requires a deep understanding to measure this Gap and find out what skill set is required to be inculcated in this Millennial Generation to make them industry ready. In other words, what are the shifts that student of today need to make, to reach the altitude of their new identity, which industry/HR is looking for. This HR Conclave will help us measuring the Gap and the subsequent deliberations will help the student and the faculty to understand the required skill set to make them industry ready. Moreover, this will also help the HR professionals and practitioners to envision the responsibility shift towards a continuously learning culture.

Get Ready!

16th March, 2019

Organizing Committee

Message From Director General

Participating Companies